Recent content by Butteroll

  1. B

    How do I improve page speed?

    For those asking this is my website: I currently use Cloudflare, meaning as in half an hour ago, since I saw it's extremely slow. I wanted to know what tools are available to be able to analyze speed and performance and optimize it. I'm thinking about moving to Cloudflare pro...
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    Twitter connected account

    "Test failed while connecting with Twitter. Unable to retrieve provider key." I click the test button, redirected to a data-approve screen, I approve and get the greentextbox and than land back at the website's admin with the error above. I put in the proper credentials using "Consumer Keys"...
  3. B

    Where do you start promoting the forum?

    May I ask whether or not your forum offers very direct products? My forum is non-profit and I'm willing to take monthly hits to the wallet since it's pretty a much something I believe in but that's beside the point. Point is my forum is the type of community, people want to enter the site...
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    Where do you start promoting the forum?

    I know my way around with forums, hosting and a bit of programming but SEO and everything that has to do with SEO, user engagement and all of that is really something I barely know anything around. I registered my site on Google analytics and their Console but that's about it. How do you...
  5. B

    Are forums becoming less attractive?

    This is not a statement but rather a genuine question. I've noticed that in a few areas forums that once held a big chunk of traffic have lost some if not much of it over the years. Are apps and social networks such as Instagram and even tiktok making forums redundant and more irrelevant? I...
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    Add-on Anonymous Posting XF 2

    Actually I'd go as far as to suggest an entire, although not huge, dedicated permissions section just for anonymous posting. For example, permitting or forbidding anonymous posters from being able to mention a user. So for example if one user has chosen to be anonymous on a thread, a guest or...
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    How did you grow and promote you forum?

    What means did you use? I'd be glad to hear about your experience with your forum promotion etc.
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    Add-on Anonymous posting

    I am looking to have an add-on designed to provide anonymous posting abilities. On every thread a user will be able to comment on threads with a randomized anonymous ID, and I will be able to decide on which forum it is possible to do this. Primary additional features I would want...
  9. B

    Can I fix my review for a resource for which I got a pm penalty?

    But I can't see now the specific source I gave a review at all, it says I'm not permitted whenever I click the link from the PM.
  10. B

    Can I fix my review for a resource for which I got a pm penalty?

    I did a short "review" in which I lengthened the review by adding many dots, and now I'm not permitted to view the resource. The resource was just very very short and had only template modification so I didn't see the point in adding much but I did want to help the add-on maker and I didn't know...
  11. B

    XF 2.1 Is there a possible refund for resource manager?

    Just asking, just bought it and wasn't quite what I expected it to be.
  12. B

    XF 2.1 How do I learn more about add-on development?

    The xenforo 2 documentation - -doesn't cover a lot of things, and I've read almost all of it. Where do I learn more?
  13. B

    Why is the criteria documentation written in broken English? It's hard enough to grasp some of these concepts, but adding linguistic obstacles is just too much. It's written in broken English and sometime actually confuses me. Why is it like that?
  14. B

    XF 2.1 How can I condition the custom title to be applied only if something?

    I want to let the users be able to set their custom title only once every x hours. I've set everything up including the template, except for the actual check itself. How can I control the form and let it be applied only under my condition?
  15. B

    XF 2.1 Why does echo $visitor->Admin->last_login work but others don't?

    Currently working on an add-on. I've installed a column on the user table named btr_last_changed_custom_title, I've put a listener and everything. But while $visitor = \XF::visitor(); echo $visitor->Admin->last_login; work, this doesn't - $visitor = \XF::visitor(); echo...
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