Recent content by Brandon Coates

  1. Brandon Coates

    XF 1.1 User Access Approval

    I have a number of users signing up, but that section says "No Users Awaiting Approval" - When i view the permissions for individual users through the List All Users section, it shows them as "registered" but their permissions do not match the Group Permission settings i have created for...
  2. Brandon Coates

    XF 1.1 User Access Approval

    Hello, I am just starting up my internal Xenforo forum for my company. The intent is for only company employees to have access to the forum, but as it stands, any person can go to the web page, sign-up for an account and gain access after clicking their email confirmation. I would like to...
  3. Brandon Coates

    User Access Granting

    What is the license association process? I dont see an option for that in my user profiles
  4. Brandon Coates

    User Access Granting

    How in the world do you do it?
  5. Brandon Coates

    User Access Granting

    Hello, Can i set up the User permission where I (as admin.) must approve any user before they can access the site. Right now, any body can just access our web page, sign up, click their email confirmation and start posting. I want to make it where i can filter these users before they are...
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