Recent content by bowdyyy

  1. bowdyyy

    How many forums?

    How long does a licence last for? and do they offer discount on 2 licences
  2. bowdyyy

    Customer Support

    Is this forum the only place to get customer support, for example if I want too upgrade a theme or edit some stuff and don't know how. do I have too ask that here?
  3. bowdyyy

    Installation On purchase

    How a How about a tutorial so I can do this myself?
  4. bowdyyy

    Not a bug An exception occurred: [ErrorException] [E_WARNING] "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in src\XF\

    An exception occurred: [ErrorException] [E_WARNING] "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in src\XF\Language.php on line 458 XF::handlePhpError() in src/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php at line 444 include() in...
  5. bowdyyy

    How many forums?

    how many forums can i make with 1 license?
  6. bowdyyy

    Installation On purchase

    I have seen you can have it installed , but not on a localhost. Just after some more information on this. what would be my requirements
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