Resource guidelines

All resources listed on must adhere to the policies laid out below. Serious or repeated violations may lead to account restrictions.

Please check these policies from time to time as they may change. You are responsible for ensuring that your resources do not violate any of these policies.

All of these policies should be considered in addition to our standard Terms and Rules.

Resource Listings

  1. The title of your resource listing must reflect the title of the underlying content accurately.
  2. The title of your resource listing must not include unnecessary promotional language (such as indicating a temporary sale).
  3. Any price listed for your resource must accurately reflect the price paid without taking any other steps (such as enrolling in a subscription service). If your price is listed exclusive of tax that may be applied, please indicate this in the description.
  4. All content (text, images, etc) shown in your resource listing must be appropriate for everyone (regardless of age, sex, religion, etc). If the contents of your resource contain material that does not meet these requirements, the offending contents must not be shown.
  5. Deleting and relisting resources as a means to avoid negative reviews is prohibited.
  6. If your resource displays a visible copyright or branding message by default, this must be disclosed in the resource listing. There is a dedicated field to specify this.


This section refers not only to actual add-ons, but any resource that includes server executable code or add-on-like functionality.
  1. Code event listeners may not be inserted that are not associated with your add-on.
  2. Executable code (such as PHP or SQL) cannot be downloaded by your add-on unless explicitly requested by the user, as a core function of your add-on. For the avoidance of doubt, your installation or uninstallation routines must not download code to execute.
  3. Uninstallation must not depend on an external server. If an external request needs to occur during uninstallation and this request fails, uninstallation should still be able to proceed. You must not block or prevent uninstallation in any way.
  4. If installation depends on an external server (such as for license verification), this must be clearly declared in your resource description (and on your site, if appropriate).
  5. If a call is made to an external server (including for license verification) in the process of installation, use, or uninstallation of your add-on, the information that is being submitted and when it will be submitted must be clearly listed in your resource description (and on your site, if appropriate). To be clear, if an external server must be contacted during normal execution and to perform a core function of the add-on, that does not need to be explicitly disclosed.
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