Custom Tabs

Custom Tabs 1.6.3

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You can do that already but the problem is that tab child links will inherit parents user groups when you save the parent data, so I will have to add a checkbox that will allow you to choose if childs inherit or not user groups when you save the parent/subparent.
You mean the HTML link target attribute? This Add-on adds tabs via "extraTabs" and it doesn't support target attribute for tabs. It could only work with child links...
I love this addon, thanks!

Any chance to also have an option to show tab NOT if user is in usergroup XYZ?

I have a usergroup "Registered" for ALL members. And some also have a secondary group. And I don't want those who are in secondary group XYZ to see the custom tab #1.
Thanks again for this great add-on and the fast updates!

Another (minor) suggestion would be a checkbox to display a link as bold to highlight it among the others.
I get this error when ticking all boxes for which usergroups I want to view the tab(s).

Mysqli statement execute error : Data too long for column 'user_groups' at row 1
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 632
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->update() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1640
XenForo_DataWriter->_update() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1609
XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1405
XenForo_DataWriter->save() in Siropu/CustomTabs/ControllerAdmin.php at line 61
Siropu_CustomTabs_ControllerAdmin->actionSave() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/nginx/domains/ at line 13
I will add user criteria in the next release and this problem won't be anymore. Hopefully on Wednesday.
This is a great addon. I had a few questions.

* Is it possible to 'disable/move' existing tabs?
* Is it possible to show child forums in the sub navbar?
* Is it possible to use [ b ], [ u ] or [ i ] to bold, underline or italic the Tab names?
This add-on manages only the tabs/links you add, it doesn't touches other tabs.
You have to add every link manually.
You can't use html or bb code. I could implement this and target blank and nofollow using javascript for tabs but I don't know if it's a good idea. I will see if I can implement custom tabs using a different approach to allow more control over the tabs code.
Siropu updated Custom Tabs with a new update entry:

New Features

I have added user criteria so that you can have more control over the tab user permissions.

I have added the options to apply inline CSS to change the color and style of the tabs and child links and also open tab/link in new window and nofollow.

The attributes for the main tabs are applied using preg_replace which I don't like but couldn't find a cleaner method so if someone knows a better approach, please let me know.

NOTE: Updating to this version requires re-applying the user...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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