Add-on XenPorta 2.0 Portal & Framework Crowd-Fund!

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give back the investment to the investors.
this is the only fair solution.

Fat chance. The guy is broke, you can read that between the lines: "Did I take the money and run? Well, that wasn't my intention", so that is what he has done, and he states it clearly.

Having said that, I hope to be proven wrong, but I don't expect any XenPorta 2.0, and if he does not give the money back he is just a petty stealer. Everyone of us has issues with the world, but I don't believe that we all go out there starting a crowd fund and then run with 5k, which in the grand scheme of things is peanuts.
I wish Jason all the best... and I understand personally how mental health can screw with your life at times. Good to hear something... though unfortunate from my personal view, as I've changed away to Brogans homepage, as I need a well supported product.
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I wish Jason all the best... and I understand personally how mental health can screw with your life at times.

It's still no excuse. All it would have taken is stating that it had been delayed, or any sort of communication, not completely ignoring the issue..
It's still no excuse.
Actually... it is a damn good reason, and not excuse. Unless you understand the depth and breathe of mental health disorders, especially personality disorders, Jason is diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder.
  • Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
  • Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
  • Shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed
  • Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
  • Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
  • Views themself as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
  • Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing
It's actually an excellent reason and gives understanding to what happened and why.
As an investor in this, it is nice to see Jaxel break cover at last - I spent money on XP2, so it'd be nice to be pleasantly surprised if it ever becomes a finished product. I'm not expecting that, though, and I do have sympathy for his situation - I'm sure we've all gotten in over our heads in something before, it's just unfortunately happened... very publicly in this situation.

Either way, it must have taken some strength to do that interview so honestly, knowing a lynch mob was waiting - especially with mental health issues in the fray. I can definitely respect that.
Actually... it is a damn good reason, and not excuse. Unless you understand the depth and breathe of mental health disorders, especially personality disorders, Jason is diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder.
  • Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
  • Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
  • Shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed
  • Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
  • Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
  • Views themself as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
  • Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing
It's actually an excellent reason and gives understanding to what happened and why.

He's using it as an excuse. He knows that he has these issues, so why would he try to claim that he could get something done, why would he set a deadline that he would fail to meet, why would he keep over $5,000 for something he knows wont' be finished. That is not a reason that would stand up in any court if someone was to take legal action against him, and frankly, they should. If he had any sort of morals he would have at minimum stated that he was having issues and that it would be delayed, or even better, give people back the money that he never should have gotten in the first place.
Actually... it is a damn good reason, and not excuse. Unless you understand the depth and breathe of mental health disorders, especially personality disorders, Jason is diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder.
  • Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
  • Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
  • Shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed
  • Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
  • Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
  • Views themself as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
  • Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing
It's actually an excellent reason and gives understanding to what happened and why.
It's just odd that this mental health issue isn't listed under the risks and challenges section on the crowd fund page. I mean, surely he knew he struggled with these terrible things before taking everyone's money, right?
  • Is unwilling to get involved with people unless money is involved.
Just corrected your quote.

I know his condition in depth since this is one of my professions academically (Neurobiology). This is not an excuse for anything was stated in the interview. He had it before, he knew his symptoms and limitations, but he took the money anyway and stopped communicating with everybody.
Bashing on someones mental health disorders is going to far.. It being true or not, only a professional could know. Unless your a doctor in the mental health field.. Don't throw stones. Going to a level that low, your just if not worse then the person your bashing. This thread is really becoming disgusting. Mental health is not something to make jokes about.
Bashing on someones mental health disorders is going to far.

I don't see anyone bashing.

I see questions being raised about why he would suddenly have this info 10+months after getting the money. I am certain, if had been addressed early into the proposed development of the add-on, quite a bit more understanding would have been given. As it stands, considering all facts of the situation, I can see where many are seeing this as a crutch. Only Jaxel knows the truth.

People wanted answers. What they received was hardly that. 3 paragraphs about why he has $5,000 and 10 months down with nothing to show isn't much.

Myself, I feel sorry for the community and investors who line up at a whim on false promises.
I see questions being raised about why he would suddenly have this info 10+months after getting the money. I am certain, if had been addressed early into the proposed development of the add-on, quite a bit more understanding would have been given. As it stands, considering all facts of the situation, I can see where many are seeing this as a crutch. Only Jaxel knows the truth.

I'm not saying he is in the right.. Far from that. As far as the mental health goes, indeed some are claiming it a crutch/excuse.. But on the other hand.. I see no reason at any point he would have to disclose it.. His mental health is no ones business on a on line community. Should he replied to his thread sooner? Yes.. But, it also points out by not doing so, these conditions are most likely real. Like you said as far as his health, only he knows the truth. But until someone can prove otherwise... That's not just about Jaxel, but anyone who suffers from these sort of conditions.
I'm not saying he is in the right.. Far from that. As far as the mental health goes, indeed some are claiming it a crutch/excuse.. But on the other hand.. I see no reason at any point he would have to disclose it.. His mental health is no ones business on a on line community. Should he replied to his thread sooner? Yes.. But, it also points out by not doing so, these conditions are most likely real. Like you said as far as his health, only he knows the truth. But until someone can prove otherwise... That's not just about Jaxel, but anyone who suffers from these sort of conditions.
People who know they can't handle/deal other people don't take these kind of projects. This is not bashing - this is common sense that is still present for people with these disorders. In addition, we all stated facts - if facts are bashing for you then that's a different problem.
People who know they can't handle/deal other people don't take these kind of projects. This is not bashing - this is common sense that is still present for people with these disorders. In addition, we all stated facts - if facts are bashing for you then that's a different problem.

As far as facts go.. Not being able to realize you can't handle a situation is a major part of mental illness. Of course it is different with every person.
I'm not saying he is in the right.. Far from that. As far as the mental health goes, indeed some are claiming it a crutch/excuse.. But on the other hand.. I see no reason at any point he would have to disclose it.. His mental health is no ones business on a on line community. Should he replied to his thread sooner? Yes.. But, it also points out by not doing so, these conditions are most likely real. Like you said as far as his health, only he knows the truth. But until someone can prove otherwise... That's not just about Jaxel, but anyone who suffers from these sort of conditions.
I get what you're saying and I agree people shouldn't joke about it but we aren't wrong for claiming he's using it as a crutch/excuse. It's not bullying him, it's not bashing him for having that illness. If it is bashing, then it's bashing him for being a grown up who has most likely had it his whole life and still can't function with it, while that may be mean, I don't think it's unfair. If someone is legitimately insane and they do something awful, people still get to tell them it's awful and point out that it's not ok despite having that disease.

I don't think it's unrealistic to ask someone to disclose the fact they don't work well with deadlines and don't have good customer skills before taking on a project with deadlines where people are going to want periodical updates.

Social anxiety is a real thing as well, let's make a comparable situation; If I ask you to go to a social function with me and you bail and 10 months later tell me you don't do well in social settings, I'm going to be upset. Not because you don't do well in those circumstances but because you knew that, didn't tell me, and I could have found someone else. Instead I wasted the money on your ticket and looked like a fool. Saying you have anxiety issues doesn't make it more ok that you neglected to tell me before hand, doesn't make it ok that you bailed, and doesn't make it ok that you avoided me for 10 months.

That's all everyone is saying. If he had it under control, sure there's no reason to disclose it but if it's possibly an issue (which it seems like he should have known it was) it belonged under the "Risks and Challenges" section of the crowd fund page. As far as writer's block and not being prepared for it to reach it's goal so quickly... that would have been a great excuse, 6-8 months ago. After his trip when people were just starting to get upset he could have easily had it all under control by posting this simple paragraph.

"Hey guys, I know you're all worried but I had that trip planned before the project got funded. I didn't expect it to get funded so quickly. Please settle down, I'll be starting work soon."

Man. Even a couple weeks after that he could have said:

"Hey guys, it's a big project and I'm kind of stressed about delivering a great project, I'm still plotting the whole thing in my head. I'll be starting soon."

A few simple sentences every few weeks would have made everyone less hateful in this thread. You can't just take $100 from 73 people, bail for months, and expect everyone to still be friendly. Quite frankly I'm surprised anyone is still being friendly.
Jaxel's said a lot of things, including "I've been diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder." Who knows what to believe? That's the problem with the whole operation. There is no trust.

He could be sitting on version 2.1.1 GOLD of XenPort 2.0 right now as we speak.
He could have the money locked up in escrow, waiting to refund it.
He might not have even given the interview on TAZ, and had a friend do it as sort of a joke.
He may be criminally insane, a mad scientist, or a Nigerian prince.

There is no credibility. It doesn't matter if he wrote XenPorta, or XenForo. This one thing will be his albatross, in my opinion. I've made my decision with his add-ons, I'm glad I didn't invest, but that crowdfund had "bad idea" jeans written on it from day one.
As far as facts go.. Not being able to realize you can't handle a situation is a major part of mental illness. Of course it is different with every person.

As far as facts go... If this was a issue in other industry fields, the amount of "bashing" and "ruthlessness" would be MUCH MORE severe.
The guy took $5000 + from the Xenforo community, and here we are 10+ months down the road with the his only claim on the status of the project is of him having "writers block" ? Get real here, I am actually surprised there has not been more severity of action taking place with this. Would love to hear how these defenses for Jaxel would pan out infront of the judge in court. Your defenses would not fly, and these are the consequences of screwing people over, and not properly communicating the status for thousands of peoples investments. This is serious. Not some petty game we are talking about... "mental illness" or not.

Scamming is scamming.
It's just odd that this mental health issue isn't listed under the risks and challenges section on the crowd fund page.
Yes, true. I can only say that mental health is typically something quite personal to people, and not something all talk about loudly and proudly. Like many health issues, certain stigma is often attached. He suffered a severe bout of symptoms, obviously, he has gotten control and is now back. I hope you stand up Jason, just take it on the chin now, move on and fight through your symptoms to answer your customers to the best of your ability.

Unfortunately, I will not disagree that trust is broken. That is unfortunately one of the side effects with mental health, especially keeping things secret and close to ones heart, as most do.

I'm not saying what happened is right, because it's not... but unfortunately mental health complicates matters, and I don't think people should be second guessing his statement. This is exactly the stigma I was referring to, in comments above about him possibly making it up and such. That is stigma, which is why people don't disclose things, because they don't understand them / are ignorant to them.
He may be criminally insane, a mad scientist, or a Nigerian prince.

Maybe he's a prince in Nigeria that royality has made him so criminally insane he has the mad idea he's a scientist? :D

I think his intent was sincere until he went on vacation. At that point on returning the witch hunt was just too much for his condition and unfortunally figured the best route would just be to ignore it with still the intent in his head to get it released. I do have other paid addons of his and to this day, he still updates and supports. He had a breaking point at some point with xenPorta and not sure how or why caused this as like I said he does support his other paid addons. Hopefully he proves us wrong, but sadly it appears this will just turn out to be another write off just like Robo's gallery was.
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