Add-on XenPorta 2.0 Portal & Framework Crowd-Fund!

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While I can say I thankfully did not contribute to his crowfund. From the reading so far I can say that the lack of information and not answering his customers concerns is a concern in itself.
But they are the risks when you contribute to "nothing". Remembering you haven't purchased anything, you have given money to a supposed project that may or may not eventuate.

Note: When was the last release and support for 1.6? Trend.
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So, Mr. @Jaxel

With the announcement that XenForo 2.0 is now under consideration and planning is close to starting, does that change your timeframes at all? Are you still shooting for a release by December, regardless?
So, Mr. @Jaxel

With the announcement that XenForo 2.0 is now under consideration and planning is close to starting, does that change your timeframes at all? Are you still shooting for a release by December, regardless?
He just happened to overlook this thread, I think :ROFLMAO:.
So, Mr. @Jaxel

With the announcement that XenForo 2.0 is now under consideration and planning is close to starting, does that change your timeframes at all? Are you still shooting for a release by December, regardless?

What is this in reference to? If there was an announcement then I missed it.
Oh it's just more digs at jaxel?

I misread it thinking @Jaxel had made an announcement about XenPorta 2.0 being nearing completion.
There's some substance here. This project was funded 6 months ago. We have no idea how completed it is. If it's not nearly completed and he's 6 months in and plans for another 3 (December) and xf2 could have more solid plans then, it begs the question of if his strategy has changed or what the new plan (if any) is.
There's some substance here. This project was funded 6 months ago. We have no idea how completed it is. If it's not nearly completed and he's 6 months in and plans for another 3 (December) and xf2 could have more solid plans then, it begs the question of if his strategy has changed or what the new plan (if any) is.

I'm one of the ones who contributed to the crowdfund so I'm as concerned about the lack of communication as anyone else but every time I get an alert for this thread it's the same old faces making the same old comments. How many times do we need to hear the fact that Jaxel isn't communicative and that jaxel hasn't posted in this thread?
Oh it's just more digs at jaxel?

Actually, no.

As stated above, the project was supposed to be started at end of February (highlighted)

This was never met, due to an out of country trip which ended up pushing back the development as well as the planned BETA forums (highlighted):

Going off that, one would have assumed one month away pushes the timeline back a month. However, nothing was mentioned about all of March, which was when the work was to be done as well, again, see first image. So, we are now at two months. So, end of April -- 2 months -- you look at July 1 now. Well, another month down (today is July 31st), and we start August. A full 6 month after his proposed starts.

Now, info has been released about XenForo 2.0

Just wanting to know if he plans on coding it to still meet his December goal, or if he has chose to now stiff supporters and wait for XF2 (and whatever date that must be). After all, their will have to be another MAJOR update to XenPorta 2.0 to match to XenForo 2.0, so supporters are now stuck in the crossroads, and it's a very unfortunate situation.

I'm one of the ones who contributed to the crowdfund so I'm as concerned about the lack of communication as anyone else but every time I get an alert for this thread it's the same old faces making the same old comments. How many times do we need to hear the fact that Jaxel isn't communicative and that jaxel hasn't posted in this thread?

I'm sorry, but these are valid concerns, regardless if you agree or not. If you are satisfied where your money is, perhaps just stop watching the thread then. There are those that have genuine concerns. It's simple really, he can address everyone. Would likely solve the concerns/issues. Instead, he has chosen to post in every other thread at XF and avoid the one where he asked the community for money (which in turn was provided).

Again, there are some serious issues and concerns with all of this.
Unfortunately, I did invest in this at the maximum contribution. Needless to say, I await positive news.
I fully expect to release XP2, I just don't know when it's coming. At this point, I'm hoping that the oncoming deadline finally kicks my ass into high-gear. But either way, I've still let everyone down and for that, I do apologize for the delays.

for reasons which will become obvious.

Seems like a big hint to me. @Brogan knows something...

yeah duh
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