Add-on XenPorta 2.0 Portal & Framework Crowd-Fund!

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I for one refused to speculate in a crowd fund ... I personally feel that people expected too much. I will surely cough up the fee when addon is made available.
I don't see how unlocking this thread provides any help in discussing the future of the add-on. I suspect it won't be long before it's locked again.
If there was nowhere for people to discuss, they would just create new threads.

This keeps it all in one place and gives the OP the opportunity to respond.
If that's the case, I don't understand why the thread was locked in the first place. Glad it's back open.

Hopefully Jaxel's more open to talk about it, but nothing in the third party site's interview helps me believe that.

He should be doing his communicating on Pozible, or here, in my opinion.
It was locked because the OP disappeared and refused to respond to anyone.

Now that the interview has been posted, perhaps there will be a change in approach.
That was at The Admin Zone .. was there a notice of the interview? nothing much more really needs to be stated here, really all depends upon when Jaxel decides to get back into the grind of things.
The interview was posted at the other site, yes, but the crowdfund and customers all come from this site.

So it makes perfect sense to open this thread again.

agreed wholeheartedly... my meaning was that if the climate does not change as what was it previously, this thread is surely to be closed again .. everything has already been said, we are waiting for Jaxel the man to step up to the podium please
I think we all waste too much time here. there are only the following options: 1. Its not comming we all loose The money. 2.we all become Xenporta 2.0 and Its ****. or 3. we Become a Perfect coded xenporta 2 in year 2345:D
It's pretty evident that Jaxels crowdfund is not going to be successful in any way.
There is only one solution :
give back the investment to the investors.
this is the only fair solution. if the crowd fund indeed puts such pressure on @Jaxel his shoulders then this is the way to lift it.
interview at The Admin Zone has nothing to do with stepping up to the podium, rather he used that interview to avoid stepping up. He can discuss the issue with anybody he wants. until he opens dialog directly with his intended support base for that project, he has not manned up at all.
It's pretty evident that Jaxels crowdfund is not going to be successful in any way.
There is only one solution :
give back the investment to the investors.
this is the only fair solution. if the crowd fund indeed puts such pressure on @Jaxel his shoulders then this is the way to lift it.

sorry, I dont agree... that money was just like if you went down to the track to bet on the horses.. its all speculation.

EDIT - that could be the one issue that is preventing him from progress.. painting himself into a corner like that. write if off as lessons learned, affects reputation BIG TIME.
As someone that has no horse in this race the interview came off as someone trying to pass blame off to others. During the past year he didn't need to post in here but to at least offer something to the people that gave him money.

Did I take the money and run? Well, that wasn't my intention, but I have no evidence to prove otherwise. I planned on having XP2 released by now, but it hasn't worked out that way. Why not? Well I have no real excuse; I can give an explanation, but it doesn't excuse me from failure to produce.

This, to me, sounds more along the lines of "sorry guys but maybe next time" The trust of the community towards him has been extremely broken and if he's serious in trying to regain even a smidgen of trust, he's going to be needing to do a lot of work. Mostly to the people that trusted him with their money, first.
As someone that has no horse in this race the interview came off as someone trying to pass blame off to others. During the past year he didn't need to post in here but to at least offer something to the people that gave him money.

This, to me, sounds more along the lines of "sorry guys but maybe next time" The trust of the community towards him has been extremely broken and if he's serious in trying to regain even a smidgen of trust, he's going to be needing to do a lot of work. Mostly to the people that trusted him with their money, first.


I just cant comprehend why to go with crowd fund for anything.... if you want other individual's money, sure! where is there ever the guarantee for customer?

EDIT - Jaxel is 30-something kid... a freelancer at that. in itself nothing to really be too concerned with, right? But obviously priorities change day to day, just dont buy into that and you wont get hurt.

when addon is ready I will purchase, saying so from the very beginning.

SORRY - one more things. when XenForo first came along, there were not a lot of addons to choose from .. Jaxel was there with his addons and they were all free from the very get go. He was upfront stating there was no support provided. I shelled out some bucks where I thought his efforts surely deserved some financial support. That was of my own accord. Yes, he is talented. I hope he comes back strong.
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