XenForo.com Add-Ons / Resources System

Add WoltLab to the list.
Seems like the WoltLab one might be even easier to use than the IPB one.
Does anyone know if you can purchase plugins or are they all free downloads ?
Seems like the "APP store" idea appealed to many software developers.
they are all free, some have donations links. paid plugins are not accepted in the plugin store for the time being.
and yes, woltlab plugin store is much much easier to use.
Add Windows 8 to the list of softwares with APP stores. [engadget]

Built in APPs stores are essential.
Xenforo needs to lead the way and make the best APP store a forum-based community has ever seen.
Oh please, please, please!!!! Do NOT be like IPB with a marketplace to sell cheap mods that should be included by default.

vB.org is great the way it is. If a dev makes a PRO version, let them sell it on their own site, not here at xenforo.com. Keep xenforo mods and styles here "free" for licensed users.

I have a feeling if they do like IPB, you will see all the cheap xenforo mods and styles spread across the net like IPB's are. Create mods and styles for xenforo because you like the software and community, not to make a profit off of their software. Too many greedy f**ks at IPB Marketplace who charge for every little update.
Just because a developer creates an add-on for functionality which doesn't currently exist, that doesn't mean it won't be part of the core at some future point.

As for free and paid resources, there are already add-ons and styles being sold here on XenForo.com.
Again I apologize for digging up an older thread, but it seemed the best place to mention what I have in mind.

I'm wondering if, when the planned addon/resources system is finally put into place, it will also provide for the sale and support of language packs. (I note Invision's marketplace is doing this.) As I'm planning on localizing XenForo for Japanese, this is something I'd be very interested in.
Create mods and styles for xenforo because you like the software and community, not to make a profit off of their software. Too many greedy f**ks at IPB Marketplace who charge for every little update.
If you want to work for free then no one is stopping you, just don't assume or dictate that everyone else should do so as well. I will be eagerly awaiting the collection of free mods you are going to release.
Personally I would rather pay someone $15 for a mod than spend an hour of my own time trying to make it work, then again, my time is actually worth something to me.
I'm not sure that styles can easily be categorised as fluid or fixed in XenForo as it's a 2 second job to change from one to the other.
This is dependent on how the other style properties have been changed though? Some styles couldn't be changed from fluid->fixed or vice versa because of how they have created the CSS.
Brogan said:
The add-on system is currently being developed.
From what I've seen it should fulfil the role admirably.

Yeah, that is interesting to hear can't wait to get a look and see what K&M have in store for us. :)
Wow the add-on system looks frikken awesome and I am so looking forward to trying it out :-) So risking asking a question that may or may not be appropriate to answer yet... How does the process for submitting an add-on work, is it like a custom form or something. Do we have a screenshot of that we can leak ?? If not it is cool I can wait..but barely :-)
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