XenForo.com Add-Ons / Resources System

With the XenPorta thread reaching it's 40th page, the Flexile thread @ 30 pages, I would like to make the suggestion for a new forum Category to be set up for popular apps. To use XenPorta as an example, it can certain be it's own forum with sub-forums for:

Add-on: XenPorta description and current version download
Add-on dependencies: XenMedio, XenCarta, etc
Support Issues / Questions : I am receiving errors when ...
Suggestions/Enhancements : great app! In a future update can you make it so....
How-To / General questions : I can organize all my videos, but how can I do the same with images?

The way things are now, most people are simply unwilling to read 40 pages of a thread, so the same questions are asked repeatedly causing frustration to build on all sides. Helpful information gets buried, questions get missed, etc.
I think that becomes far more cumbersome than it should be.

All important information and updates should be within the first 1-2 posts of the thread, and the mod author should update that information as it comes, at least that's how I see it.
I think this thread would be a better fit in the feedback forum.

Add-on Releases -> Presales and feedback
I think that becomes far more cumbersome than it should be.

All important information and updates should be within the first 1-2 posts of the thread, and the mod author should update that information as it comes, at least that's how I see it.
There is a character limit in posts... I just cant fit everyone in 2 posts.
There is a character limit in posts... I just cant fit everyone in 2 posts.
Fine, 3? :p

Perhaps something special can be done for add-on forms then? Different limits/thread styling akin to vBorg? Add-on creators (read: thread starters) have a special post without character limits, and are also able to change version numbers for stable releases and other general info?
FWIW, Kier said that he and Mike have plans for handling add-on/style/graphic releases, but they do have bigger issues on their plate at the moment. ;)
We have plans for a proper solution for releasing and supporting add-ons, but we don't even have 1.0.0 stable released yet. Patience.
I think that becomes far more cumbersome than it should be.

All important information and updates should be within the first 1-2 posts of the thread, and the mod author should update that information as it comes, at least that's how I see it.

So who performs the work involved with your recommendation?

The developer of the add-on? The same person who did the work of creating the app, of handling the urgent requests from the community to address various bugs, and to make enhancements. The same developers who are so busy with their own workload and supporting the app, that they haven't had the time to make documentation, now they are burdened with more work?

Or do you suggest the forum mods do this work? That is fine if they agree and are willing to keep up with it a couple times each week.

Otherwise if we create a proper system of forums, then there is an opportunity for the community to manage ourselves to a degree. If I want to ask a question about a bug/error, I can go to the Support forum and read the ?6 pages of support questions and skip the other 34 pages concerning enhancement requests and other matters that don't concern me.

Again this is just my suggestion. If we don't take action, we are CHOOSING the current system which is not good.
Further restructuring of the forums is just additional work which will become redundant and wasted effort once the new system is in place.
One thing that would help is for the ability to search within a thread.
And the ability to edit the title would be helpful so authors could update the version number in the title.

I think another thing that would help with the Jaxel's portal addon thread is if people would create their own thread for each addon.
And the important stuff needs to be in the first few posts of a thread.
Unless you follow some threads on a daily basis you really don't know what has changed.
March 13, 2011 - 168 addons.

An effective Interim solution could be easily accomplished.

An HTML page with the addons categorized ?
A Pages Page with the addons categorized ?

This work would take a few hours.

Instead hundreds of people waste hours and hours searching and searching the addon section.
Seeing some organization of the addons will make Xenforo shoppers confident that their time is being respected.
I think Xenforo should be extremely happy that so many Addons have been created. It is a sure sign of the momentum behind xenforo. I doubt many people would have even looked at Xenforo if they didn't see Addons being created. Considering how important Addons are .... a few hours of time commitment to bring some organization seems like an obvious investment. Waiting 6? 9? months for the final solution seems a long time off.

Again, as I say, I know all the addons. This isn't particularly important to me. I do see how it would be helpful for potential purchasers of Xenforo. I do see how it would help new xenforo admins. This high yield, low time commitment mini-project should be considered.
If you're oing to categorize add-ons, go the extra mile and do the same for styles?
"Light", "dark", "fixed", "fluid" would already help enormously.
Styles is probably an even easier, yet higher yield example.
Great idea.
Throw in some Styles education too .... as I don't even understand the options. :confused:
Light and dark is regarding the colours. Fixed means a fixed width (i.e. 700 pixels). Fluid means it adjusts to the resolution of the user's screen, to spread across. So a user with a wider screen will see the forum differently than a user with an older screen, but will not have to watch the forum on only a small portion of the screen.

Or was that not what you meant?
I'm not sure that styles can easily be categorised as fluid or fixed in XenForo as it's a 2 second job to change from one to the other.
March 13, 2011 - 168 addons.

An effective Interim solution could be easily accomplished.

An HTML page with the addons categorized ?
A Pages Page with the addons categorized ?

This work would take a few hours.

Instead hundreds of people waste hours and hours searching and searching the addon section.
Seeing some organization of the addons will make Xenforo shoppers confident that their time is being respected.
I think Xenforo should be extremely happy that so many Addons have been created. It is a sure sign of the momentum behind xenforo. I doubt many people would have even looked at Xenforo if they didn't see Addons being created. Considering how important Addons are .... a few hours of time commitment to bring some organization seems like an obvious investment. Waiting 6? 9? months for the final solution seems a long time off.

Again, as I say, I know all the addons. This isn't particularly important to me. I do see how it would be helpful for potential purchasers of Xenforo. I do see how it would help new xenforo admins. This high yield, low time commitment mini-project should be considered.

While I do respect your opinion, I don't see it as such a desperate matter. The Search system of XF is excellent. Instead of attempting to push the creators of XF, why don't you be constructive and create a thread categorizing addons as you see fit, since you know them all as you say. I mean this constructively. The "Xenforo Overview" thread, created by Erich is an excellent example of what I mean.
While I do respect your opinion, I don't see it as such a desperate matter.
You really aren't the target audience.
The Search system of XF is excellent.
I'm surprised to hear you suggested the search system which really won't work for the need I have outlined. The other issue is ... you can't search for something you don't know about. You might be thrilled to find out about the XenAMS ad management addon .... but you didn't think of the need yourself. So you couldn't search for it.

Instead of attempting to push the creators of XF, why don't you be constructive and create a thread categorizing addons as you see fit, since you know them all as you say.
#1 - I want more feedback as to a good temporary solution.
#2 - No xenforo admin/mod has suggested they want an interim organization. A vBorg-like tool might be 1 day or 2 years away.
#3 - I don't think anyone should categorize things until it is worked out where the information will be. If the information will be buried somewhere .... it won't be found by the people who want / need it.
Note: vBorg did a very poor job of organizing addons.
That approach should not be replicated. The "Mark as Installed" button and "Tag Modification" were well done.
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