XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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I'd be interested to see why you think XenForo is only intended for those that have the ability to code or are larger forums...
Before I do that, let me just say that I do like XF. I like the robustness and fast/modern feel of it. I was so used to vb styling since 2003/04, just thinking about restyling to xf was nightmare but the more I am playing with the styles the easier I find it so there are some positives.

There is serious lack of simple features and to make up for that, I have over 32 add-ons installed and ALL of them free. I will not pay for an add-on unless I absolutely need it. Then there is issue of keeping those add-ons updated, and issues which I've mentioned earlier in this thread with security, integrity and quality of the code. I think more than 90% of those should be in the core product as they seem to add to fundamental functionality to the product/forum. I am not a coder, not a php programmer and have no plans/interest to be one. I don't have funds to pay $20, $30, or $40 for each add-on + removing branding fees (unless you are a registered "brand" don't ask for "branding fee" ), say I install 5, then I am already more than the cost of the forum software, multiply this with 5 or 6 different websites with forums.... and let me not say anything about the adminCP.
Before I do that, let me just say that I do like XF. I like the robustness and fast/modern feel of it. I was so used to vb styling since 2003/04, just thinking about restyling to xf was nightmare but the more I am playing with the styles the easier I find it so there are some positives.

There is serious lack of simple features and to make up for that, I have over 32 add-ons installed and ALL of them free. I will not pay for an add-on unless I absolutely need it. Then there is issue of keeping those add-ons updated, and issues which I've mentioned earlier in this thread with security, integrity and quality of the code. I think more than 90% of those should be in the core product as they seem to add to fundamental functionality to the product/forum. I am not a coder, not a php programmer and have no plans/interest to be one. I don't have funds to pay $20, $30, or $40 for each add-on + removing branding fees (unless you are a registered "brand" don't ask for "branding fee" ), say I install 5, then I am already more than the cost of the forum software, multiply this with 5 or 6 different websites with forums.... and let me not say anything about the adminCP.

Yes i can agree on that.

There are many paid addons that are critical and could be in the core. Which makes life hard when the author abandons them and yes there are many of those
Branding is a simple way of getting new customers.

How can a random person on another website where add-on is installed be a customer for the add-on? XF's link at bottom of the forum is enough for that since all the add-ons are hosted here so if that person ends up on XF site, they would be aware of all the add-ons anyway.
How can a random person on another website where add-on is installed be a customer for the add-on? XF's link at bottom of the forum is enough for that since all the add-ons are hosted here so if that person ends up on XF site, they would be aware of all the add-ons anyway.

I say, branding, is a way of getting money even of..."free" addons ;) think about it...you label it FREE then people then ask money for removing the branding..
I just want to say, I'm with dotpro on this one as to why I'm not willing to purchase Xenforo 2, because it might just be the same product coded differently. I don't need another of the same product, what I want is more features. More admin options like pre-defined avatars and disable avatar upload for certain groups which was already rejected, despite the fact that people like me might find it useful especially if you run a kids site. The ability to also turn off invisible mode for certain groups and only have it for staff members. Yes, you can do both of those with addons and after changing some codes, but was it really worth my time? Absolutely not. And the usergroup staff permissions on Xenforo is probably the worst lump of clutter I've ever seen since I bought Xenforo and it still hasn't been changed.

I'm not bashing Xenforo, I like it for a lot of other reasons like smilies with categories, a report system that's easy to use, censorship with replacement and the continuous improvements here and there. But seriously, it can be a much better product. Unfortunately, most suggestions and ideas are posted in the suggestion forum which not everybody reads. So if you make a post about it somewhere else, and then ignore the post in suggestion forum, it gets marked as unpopular and doesn't get added. And also unfortunately, from all the staff posts I've read, the general consensus is if it's not popular enough then it's not worth adding even if you or someone else might find it useful. So like dotpro said and suggested, it's not really a very admin friendly software/product if you don't know how to code.
Isn't part of the reason it's missing a lot of simple features because xenforo is fairly new to the internet? 3 years? and they don't have enough coders, 3 or 4 coders?

But i do agree on a lot of the posts above. Most people are looking for new features and sometimes they say "no thanks" or "lack of interest".

My opinion is that every forum on the internet is different and every forum admin has a different vision for his forum so it only makes sense to add every feature(if possible).

From a customers perspective. If there is 2 different forum companies. Both have the same features except one company has 1 extra feature.. then most likely the customer will pick the script with the 1 extra feature even if he won't use it.

I think it would really boring and lame if EVERY forum on the internet had the same features. This is why more features is better. Some forums might not use a certain feature but others would.

I'm a members to many forums around the internet and I recently was wondering around a different forum and this ex-xenforo guy made a topic saying xenforo was bad and that he got into a fight with the staff and he sent us a link to some Woltlab Burning Board. I clicked on it and noticed it had a "feature" that they don't plan to add here because "lack of interest". Then i was like "whoa"!! they have that feature, it's not fair!! I need this feature! and asked for it.
In fact that software looks a lot like xenforo. Makes you start to look elsewhere...

But at the moment i do have faith they will add new features. So i'm staying with xenforo now.
Competetion is always good and i understand why some people wouldn't want to upgrade to 2.0

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If a simple feature makes you change your mind... then that is probably the best for you. What is a "feature" for some is an "encumbrance" for others.
some positives.

There is serious lack of simple features and to make up for that, I have over 32 add-ons installed and ALL of them free. I will not pay for an add-on unless I absolutely need it. Then there is issue of keeping those add-ons updated, and issues which I've mentioned earlier in this thread with security, integrity and quality of the code. I think more than 90% of those should be in the core product as they seem to add to fundamental functionality to the product/forum.
It's called the kitchen sink syndrome. Let's throw every little item that we can think of that is useful to a few folks in. Then, before long you have a code behemoth like one we won't mention (edited to remove the script name to protect the guilty) running rampant in your closet. :D

Kind of like saying that Suzuki needs to put a cruise control on the 'Busa because a few folks have the back/butt to ride it for more than 100 miles at a time IMHO.
Pick the tools for the job... don't try to force your tool to do a job it wasn't designed for. Of course, I'm of the old KISS school of thought.
At present I'm using Showcase (highly modified) to present articles and offer a way to comment and rate said articles;
You'll be happy to hear about a pending Article Management System.
I have high hope for xf 2.0
XF changed the forum game when it was released and the 2.0 version will be something uniquely better.
So far Hope is the only thing available.
There is serious lack of simple features and to make up for that, I have over 32 add-ons installed and ALL of them free.
Like name 5 ?
Better yet, Post your 32 addons.
You'll be happy to hear about a pending Article Management System.

So far Hope is the only thing available.

Like name 5 ?
Better yet, Post your 32 addons.

  1. Most Online Users?
  2. Similar threads?
  3. New User Email?
  4. Image resizing? Isn't that logical with attachments feature?
  5. Auto Link Titles?
  6. Add-On Install and Upgrade? Why do you need an add-on to upgrade and install add-ons built for XF?
  7. New Indicator?
  8. # of viewing? # of users viewing a forum? I can't even find an add-on for this...

It's called the kitchen sink syndrome. Let's throw every little item that we can think of that is useful to a few folks in. Then, before long you have a code behemoth like one we won't mention (edited to remove the script name to protect the guilty) running rampant in your closet. :D

Kind of like saying that Suzuki needs to put a cruise control on the 'Busa because a few folks have the back/butt to ride it for more than 100 miles at a time IMHO.
Pick the tools for the job... don't try to force your tool to do a job it wasn't designed for. Of course, I'm of the old KISS school of thought.

I don't think it is fair to compare motor vehicle with a piece of software. It is a good argument but it doesn't make any sense. It is going to take a lot of work and elbow grease to put cruise control in a Suzuki versus adding few lines code to enhance piece of a software.

One should be able to distinguish between utility of a feature or enhancement and concept of kitchen sink... sure there is a fine line between them somewhere.It is a lot easier to take few lines of code out to disable a feature than to try to take cruise control out of a Suzuki.

My 12 year old vb forum has 12 "Products" installed. New unmentionable product failed for many reasons, behemoth code is one of the reasons and in my experience products often fail when there is lack of vision, direction and quality, luckily that is not the case with XF.

I just hope that with this discussion we are adding to XF's vision, direction and future full of success.

Please don't consider my posts are bashing XF or the developers. I've switched 2 vb forums to XF already as my stepping stones for the future. As someone who has been in IT industry for last 15 years, I have a lot of respect for those with development skills but IMO there needs to be better strategy to deal with add-on costs. Now, if you have your own business, with your own website, market your add-on, charge whatever you want.
If you are talking about the forum listing, forums with new posts have a differentiated icon. I'm not sure what else you are looking for? Regardless, suggestions should be made in the suggestions forum -- they'll be lost in this thread. If a thread has been marked as Lack of Interest, you are free to suggest it again.
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