XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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It's been almost seven months since this discussion was started with the heading "What's Next For Xenforo?"

After all of this time we still have no inkling as to 'what's next'. So come on guys throw us a bone with an update of what you have in mind; you don't have to go into the nitty gritty details, just an outline of what you are proposing.

It's not surprising that the track will get sidelined and go 'off-topic' at times because there is literally nothing to discuss; everything is surrounded by speculation.
I'll rephrase - I will never use any app on any forum.

I don't use the FB app either - I use the web interface.
I can agree with you, BUT the problem is that the majority of us in this forum grown with forum and www, than iPhone came!

Actually young people is going to grow up in a different way because they "e-born" with APPs on smartphones and tablets (I see it very clearly in my 2 years old daughter). I think that without a dedicated forum app we are going to cut off a piece of cake... a growing piece of cake!

Us with WWW and then APPS, they with APP and then WWW.
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If the 16+ hr a day work ethic of @Kier and @Mike hasn't changed since I was on staff when XF was released, and as 6 months passed since this thread was created I would hazard a guess that a new Have You Seen thread would not be that far off. But, again just speculation, :)

I know what those 16hr days are like - as a self-employed website designer and developer there is very little 'downtime' when clients are demanding robot-like efficiency lol. I can empathise greatly.
I didn't mention @Chris D only because I was never a part of staff when he was, so I could not include him. My time zone is 4-5 hrs off from the UK. I get up in the morning, and M & K are coding, I go to bed at night, and M & K are still coding, or at that time of their early morning, finding the right place for a link to go or deciding on a graphic, :)

My point though, all things considered, I doubt it will be too long before we are shown some new HYS's.
Does "What's Next for XenForo?" include the Resource Manager and Media Gallery?

I am excited about everything!! Not knowing when or what is the hardest.

I wish they had a "List of Priority Features" based on the number of people that want that feature either by the number of likes or a donate system script where anyone could donate a couple bucks to have their requested feature move up the list. This would encourage people to donate towards their feature. And it would give people something to look forward too. I hate not knowing anything or if even any of our suggestions will get implamented.

I see many suggestions but there isnt a system in place to know which features will get added. It makes me feel sad.
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i see..

Suggestions can be sorted by the number of likes the first message has received by using the "thread display options" tab at the bottom of thread list.

My apologies. I still haven't taken the time to read all of the stickies. This explains why i didn't know about this.

Looks like i will be busy for the next week looking for my favourite suggestions. Thanks!!
From the mention of it in the original post, a navigation and menu manager is something I would wish to see.

I feel the management of the navigation area at present, particularly for bespoke implementation, is cumbersome.
I really hope capability for high pixel density images and SVG smileys makes it in.

I ended up on DigitalPoint this morning on my phone and the SVG smileys are just so crisp compared the stock ones.

I honestly don't think I'll buy Xenforo 2. I could go into great details about why, but having read the responses so far, I'd rather not waste my own time.
I honestly don't think I'll buy Xenforo 2. I could go into great details about why, but having read the responses so far, I'd rather not waste my own time.

I would love to hear your reasons. Unless you are a big board, like digitalpoint or AVforum, etc. and can make custom modifications (then sell those mods too), xf is probably not the best option.

I hope the situation changes and I think it will but not any time soon.
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