XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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  1. Most Online Users?
  2. Similar threads?
  3. New User Email?
  4. Image resizing? Isn't that logical with attachments feature?
  5. Auto Link Titles?
  6. Add-On Install and Upgrade? Why do you need an add-on to upgrade and install add-ons built for XF?
  7. New Indicator?
  8. # of viewing? # of users viewing a forum? I can't even find an add-on for this...
That's a pretty excellent list.
I agree with pretty much every one of them !
I've just checked the 'Suggestions' forum and it is greatly underused. A huge number of suggestions only obtain 1 - 5 likes with many not receiving any; a vast number also attract no replies. If the criteria for taking up a suggestion is based on replies and/or likes then it's unlikely very many of the suggestions will be considered. A more logical and user interactive means of appraising a suggestion is needed, not just for the suggestions but for the developers too. It doesn't help when this thread exists alongside the suggestions forum as the title invites discussion on what people would like to see in XF2.

Perhaps take the most talked about/most requested suggestions and create a poll - that makes it easier for people to interact and they can see at a glance what they are aiming for. As it is, the current methods are seriously lacking any direction or validation.
Direction of the software, if a feature can be accomplished for a release in time for the release, public opinion, necessity of a feature, etc. The same basic principles that are applied to any project I've dealt with.
Likes are not the only factor in determining whether a suggestion or feature is implemented.

I reckon that's a given, but it is one of the factors mentioned in the first post of the suggestions forum; obviously technical considerations have to be considered with regards to feasibility. The point I was making was that the suggestions forum is slack with very little interest being shown by the very low volume of likes and replies. My personal take on this is that people can't be bothered to trawl through the suggestions and comment or like.

A short list of considerations would go a great way to helping people make constructive and considered comments on the proposed changes coming in XF2. When the bone is devoid of meat the dog loses interest in it ;)
The point I was making was that the suggestions forum is slack with very little interest being shown by the very low volume of likes and replies
I'd disagree with this statement. Although there are many registered users on the XenForo forums, many just visit occasionally or when they have a problem; beyond that they don't really participate. Those of use who are active on here are a much smaller number and you will find that many do keep an eye on the suggestions forums and do like first posts when they agree with suggestions.

If you look at the top ranked XenForo suggestions you will see the top five have 222, 117, 112, 107 and 83 Likes respectively which I think are quite reasonable responses.
I understand what you are saying but take another look at the 'vast majority' of them; they're no shows; there are 16 pages that have no comments. But I'm not about bashing anything, just that the current set up is pretty inadequate based on the criteria mentioned in the first post and something more interactive and compelling is required. Without a more concise and compelling method of giving positive input there's little hope of having impact and even less likelihood of having a positive outcome.

A prime example is that one of the features that comes up time and again is the apparent need for a CMS yet the in the suggestion forum it is way, way down the ladder when you look at the likes and replies. If we have no idea what is being proposed then how can we give input? There's no administration input in the form of prefixes in the suggestions forum; being considered, not feasible, in progress, etc, etc. At least then we would have some idea of what's on the table as opposed to shooting in the dark with only a hope flying on a wing and a prayer that any of what is being suggested is taken notice of. Some of the suggestions date back to 2011 - which indicates it is stale and stagnant.
A prime example is that one of the features that comes up time and again is the apparent need for a CMS yet the in the suggestion forum it is way, way down the ladder when you look at the likes and replies
Maybe that actually indicates its real popularity? Clearly people have been voting for a Advanced Navigation Tabs and Sub Tabs and other suggestions but less seem the require a CMS.

There's no administration input in the form of prefixes in the suggestions forum; being considered, not feasible, in progress, etc, etc.
The XenForo devs have stated that they don't give a roadmap. I can understand why, as soon as you mention things are on the list you get constantly badgered as to when it will be available.

Some of the suggestions date back to 2011 - which indicates it is stale and stagnant.
Not at all. Some of the 2010 suggestions, such as Advanced Navigation Tabs and Sub Tabs, will no doubt make it into XenForo. However it's not been possible to do this with XenForo 1.x (read the first post of this thread and the devs explain this). I reckon that the rewrite for XenForo 2.0 will see these popular suggestions being added at some stage, though I won't be expecting it initially as they will need to get the software to a similar state of functionality to XenForo 1.x before they move forward.
The XenForo devs have stated that they don't give a roadmap. I can understand why, as soon as you mention things are on the list you get constantly badgered as to when it will be available.

However it would be very valuable for developers to know whats coming up in XenForo. Not having a road map harms the add-on community very hard. Several very talented and active developers have already seized all development because their hard and time-consuming developed and very mature add-ons got senseless over night after a feature has been added by surprise into the core. More than not the implemented feature does not reach the abilities of the former add-on which hurts many customers using and needing it.

Also many large add-ons (such like a CMS) do not get developed at all, because no intelligent developer will start such a huge project only to learn that XF may release the same feature right after he finished his own project.

Without any doubt, a road map is a sign of a serious software development business which cares about it's customers and partners. It is really missed here.
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The XenForo devs have stated that they don't give a roadmap. I can understand why, as soon as you mention things are on the list you get constantly badgered as to when it will be available.

Then people need to exercise some patience, understanding and cooperation. I can see them doing all of these if an outlined roadmap were made available with the understanding that these updates and additions will appear in XF2 "when it's ready"; if anyone fails to understand that, then they have a problem. Of course everyone wants it 'now' but not knowing anything at all leaves people both bewildered and teetering on the edge of perhaps going with something else that gives them what they want 'now'. All good things come to those who wait, but you sometimes need to dangle a carrot.

With regards to a CMS, personally I don't believe that people truly understand the benefits of such a system, clearly other vendors do - which is why they offer them and also why they are used to great effect. But that's an aside. My points regarding the suggestions forum still stand and there's nothing that's been said to make me change my mind. Instead of dancing around the edges, get some meat on the table and let people tuck in.
Then people need to exercise some patience, understanding and cooperation. I can see them doing all of these if an outlined roadmap were made available
I can't.

I've seen the reaction elsewhere when dates slip or roadmaps get changed.
Yeah so have I (15 years of running forums from the freebies to the main contenders), but many people do understand that nothing happens right now and if you are changing something from the ground up, basically knocking it down and rebuilding, then it takes time. No one is asking for dates, just some indication as to what is being considered - if we had that then we could add thoughts and ideas that may not have been considered. It's better to get involved with baking a cake than to take what's thrown at you and then saying 'nah, not what I wanted or expected'. And yes, roadmaps change for a multitude of reasons and if those reasons are explained then most people will understand; again, if they don't then they have a problem.
It's better to get involved with baking a cake than to take what's thrown at you and then saying 'nah, not what I wanted or expected'.
Similarly, too many cooks spoil the broth.

Development by consensus is impossible to achieve; too many different people want too many different things and it is impossible to please them all.
As has been amply demonstrated by the numerous posts on this thread relating to "essential" features.
Yeah right an ointment for every sore it seems. 1823 add-ons in the resources - that's a lot of cooks adding something to the recipe that is missing.
Missing for them perhaps, not everyone else.

Other than my own add-ons, I have two other add-ons installed.
I can't.

I've seen the reaction elsewhere when dates slip or roadmaps get changed.
Priorities and aims change, people see a roadmap as a "guarantee" of something to be included.

This community and also the software is (or has to be) growing from serving excited script kiddies (sorry about this term) into a serious company offering serious and reliable products with a known development plan to professional customers.

If you take script kiddies (who certainly get exited over an announcement and won't prob. understand possible changes and delays) more important than your professional customers (and add-on partners) the company won't mature as it should.

I am sure, we will see a road map at some time in the future. This is just the natural grow of a business.
A public roadmap would probably cause problems, however communicating with add-on developers as HWS pointed out has clear benefits. Pick only the best and most trustworthy so you know they will not leak.
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