XenCentral Multisite System

XenCentral Multisite System [Paid] 1.11.0

No permission to buy (€69.99)
A couple of questions:
- What is the framework for? Do we need to install that first?
- Is Vaultwiki supported? If no, then please support Vaultwiki 4.
- Is Better Blogs supported?
- I'm running cometchat as an addon for XF. Cometchat has chat rooms. Some chat rooms are not suited for certain domains. It would be very useful to turn certain chat rooms off per domain.
- Please consider to support xenreviews when it is released.

As mentioned above, for now we do not have plans to integrate this product into the system, and the main reason is technical difficulties with it. We can handle it as a separate project for you. If you are interested please contact us at https://desk.xencentral.com/

A couple of questions:
- What is the framework for? Do we need to install that first?
- Is Vaultwiki supported? If no, then please support Vaultwiki 4.
- Is Better Blogs supported?
- I'm running cometchat as an addon for XF. Cometchat has chat rooms. Some chat rooms are not suited for certain domains. It would be very useful to turn certain chat rooms off per domain.
- Please consider to support xenreviews when it is released.

Framework is set of files/modules we are re-using in each product. It should be installed before any other XenCentral product is installed.

For support on all addons mentioned, we need some additional information to be sure if we can support them or not. Some of them may be added to the product itself, support of others may be developed for you as a separate project. Please contact us at https://desk.xencentral.com/ and we will discuss this.

Thank you!
I have finished setting this all up and this addon is working great.

If anyone wants to see it is action I have 3 sites (with 3 XF licenses) all linked together from the one single XF install but sharing a few forums across all sites whilst each site having their own unique forums as well. I am also sharing main menu items of addons like a Photo Gallery, Video Library, News Reader, and more across all sites...the sites are:

Thanks @XCentral
I just visited your site(s), very nice. ;) What gallery add-on are you using? And what are you using to scroll pics? And I love the animated smilies, was this an add-on also?
Don't mind the nub questions, I'm just setting up a Xenforo environment and checking out what others have done :):)
I just visited your site(s), very nice. ;) What gallery add-on are you using? And what are you using to scroll pics? And I love the animated smilies, was this an add-on also?
Don't mind the nub questions, I'm just setting up a Xenforo environment and checking out what others have done :):)
Thanks, for the photo gallery I am using XenMedia Gallery and the scrolling pictures are a part of [NFLJ] Showcase. The smilies are a collection over the years
Hello, @Deddy

Hi, does this add-on support multi-communities for my forum that would be seperated by different directory with different design, layout, etc ? Eg. www.blah.com/sports, www.blah.com/movies, www.blah.com/computer? @Slavik Would this breach xenforo license?

Yes, it is. You just need to have one installation of XenForo, Multisite System add-on installed and to make all directories to resolve the same installation to start to configure them using the add-on. You'll need to have XenForo license for each directory you are going to use as separate customized community with unique design and content.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!
If I were to use XenCentral Multisite to create multiple communities (with different domainname, layout, design.. etc, same database, same instance) in my forum.. and it uses 1 instance of Xenforo according to @Brogan Licensing FAQ, it wouldn't broke Xenforo License.
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@Deddy The licensing questions of XenForo should be discussed with XenForo support and confirmed by them that your particular case is in accordance with licensing terms of XenForo. Thank you!
@XCentral Does Xen Media Gallery work with this?
Not yet, but we have added the support for it to our task list.

I am also really interted in getting integration with XenReview mod http://xenreviews.com, this would be a great addition to the popularity of both add-ons
We don't have an instance of this addon, once it is ready and published we may consider the support for it.

Does this work with LiteSpeed Cache?
See: XenForo LiteSpeed Cache
This addon works on higher level and will not require any support in XenForo addons. The addon just caches entire page output and serves it from server cache for guests. If it is configured to use different caches for different domains (as it stated in product's installation instructions cache can be configured both globally and on virtual host level), it will work just fine with multisite system.

Thank you!
This addon works on higher level and will not require any support in XenForo addons. The addon just caches entire page output and serves it from server cache for guests. If it is configured to use different caches for different domains (as it stated in product's installation instructions cache can be configured both globally and on virtual host level), it will work just fine with multisite system.
Whats the difference between LiteSpeed Cache and the Cache method that Multisite uses?
The Cache of LiteSpeed WebServer allows me to use less servers. Does the Multisite Cache do the same?
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