XenCentral Multisite System

XenCentral Multisite System [Paid] 1.11.0

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I agree about the exporter. This addon is incredible and I would now recommend it to anyone wanting this kind of solution. There are still a couple of issues with it but hopefully they will get ironed out as they get reported and fixed.

The one BIG issue with it is that you need to be sure, absolutely sure, that you want your site(s) to use it as there is no going back, or at least major work and effort should you ever want to separate your sites back to stand alone installs. This places a burden on the developers to ensure that they maintain their addon for a long period of time as we, the customers of it, will depend on it for as long as we have our sites. Also, a very quick update will be a must when ever XF releases any update to their software.

With that aside, and remembering the XF licensing requirements, this is one very powerful addon that is very worthy of consideration should you have the need for it.

Technically the exporter does not seem to be very hard to implement, so it will be possible to create something for a board when it is absolutely needed. Most likely the best approach here will be full duplication of entire forum database, and removal of nodes/threads/articles etc. that are not active for particular domain. This way it will ensure intact database structure, user base, third-party plugin functionality etc. Again, we are not going to develop and support something like this for now, but will be able to help our customers with it when they need it.

Edit: of course we understand how important it is for our customers to have fully and long-term supported addon, and we are ready to provide the support and updates needed without any time limits we can think of.

Addon is truly becoming amazing! The speed you been fixing bugs and adding support for other addons is top notch. Now would just like to see besides my suggestion for your ad manager already mentioned would be.. to be able to set different notices from http://xenforo.com/community/resources/notifications.870/ based on domain. Albums and Photos from http://xenforo.com/community/resources/sonnb-xengallery-xenforo-gallery.2076/ again based on domain. Events for betting based on domain with http://xenforo.com/community/resources/sportsbook.751/ and twitch.tv streams from http://xenforo.com/community/resources/8wayrun-com-xenrio-streams-pro.1652/ based on domain.

Thank you for all suggestions Mike, we will try to implement them with each release.

Thank you!
Here is a couple of issues that I am finding.

Issue 1
The unified login/logout across all sites is working for me when I use Firefox but doesn't work when I use IE v10.

I have tested it using my Admin login. I login to one site using Firefox and I am logged in across all sites
I then tested it using IE and I had to log in to each site individually
I then tested it using a standard registered user with Firefox and that user was logged in to all sites when using Firefox
I then tested the standard registered user with IE and that user had to log in to each site individually

Issue 2
Just clicking the "Site-specific Portal" doesn't control what threads are displayed in the New Threads block on the Portal. The only way to overcome this is to set an override option of the New Threads block to just display threads from the nodes that are in that specific site. This means the filter isn't working correctly and the "Site-specific Portal" option is then irrelevant. Disclaimer, I am using 2 New Threads blocks on my Portal with the default one hard tied to a specific node and the 2nd one is the one that is used to display new threads across all other nodes
Here is a couple of issues that I am finding.

Issue 1
The unified login/logout across all sites is working for me when I use Firefox but doesn't work when I use IE v10.

I have tested it using my Admin login. I login to one site using Firefox and I am logged in across all sites
I then tested it using IE and I had to log in to each site individually
I then tested it using a standard registered user with Firefox and that user was logged in to all sites when using Firefox
I then tested the standard registered user with IE and that user had to log in to each site individually

Issue 2
Just clicking the "Site-specific Portal" doesn't control what threads are displayed in the New Threads block on the Portal. The only way to overcome this is to set an override option of the New Threads block to just display threads from the nodes that are in that specific site. This means the filter isn't working correctly and the "Site-specific Portal" option is then irrelevant. Disclaimer, I am using 2 New Threads blocks on my Portal with the default one hard tied to a specific node and the 2nd one is the one that is used to display new threads across all other nodes

We will investigate the first issue mentioned.

For the second one, it works in our local and demo boards with standard configuration. There is a known issue with cached blocks, and our filter does not support cache option in xenPorta blocks. This is connected with limited extendability of xenPorta and block classes (block class names are not being dynamically resolved to allow to extend them). The idea behind portal block filters is:
1. You select ALL forums where you have any news/threads to be shown on any domain
2. You configure node filter per domain
3. Without enabling filter option you will have threads in your portal blocks from all forums you have selected in step 1. Enabling the option forums selected in step 1 will be filtered according to filter configured in step 2.
4. Disable caches for all blocks involved.

Let us know if you still see a problem with this.

Thank you!
We will investigate the first issue mentioned.

For the second one, it works in our local and demo boards with standard configuration. There is a known issue with cached blocks, and our filter does not support cache option in xenPorta blocks. This is connected with limited extendability of xenPorta and block classes (block class names are not being dynamically resolved to allow to extend them). The idea behind portal block filters is:
1. You select ALL forums where you have any news/threads to be shown on any domain
2. You configure node filter per domain
3. Without enabling filter option you will have threads in your portal blocks from all forums you have selected in step 1. Enabling the option forums selected in step 1 will be filtered according to filter configured in step 2.
4. Disable caches for all blocks involved.

Let us know if you still see a problem with this.

Thank you!
The block isn't cached, I have selected ALL forums across ALL domains in the block settings, enabled the "Site-specific Portal" option, and the filter on each domain is set to only display specific nodes but the block on each domain still displays threads from all domains:
The block isn't cached, I have selected ALL forums across ALL domains in the block settings, enabled the "Site-specific Portal" option, and the filter on each domain is set to only display specific nodes but the block on each domain still displays threads from all domains:
View attachment 60425

Okay, please contact us at http://desk.xencentral.com and we will investigate the issue on your board, as it works for us and other customers as well.

Thank you!
Okay, please contact us at http://desk.xencentral.com and we will investigate the issue on your board, as it works for us and other customers as well.

Thank you!
Thanks, but before I trouble you with that I am going to try an experiment first. As I mentioned I use 2 New Thread blocks. One is tied specifically to a News node, the 2nd called "RecentThreads2" is the one that displays threads across all nodes. I am going to switch these around just in case you have some tie in your addon to the name "RecentThreads" or the initial default block in some way. If the problem still exists then I will advise but let's remove ALL possible potential influences first
Thanks, but before I trouble you with that I am going to try an experiment first. As I mentioned I use 2 New Thread blocks. One is tied specifically to a News node, the 2nd called "RecentThreads2" is the one that displays threads across all nodes. I am going to switch these around just in case you have some tie in your addon to the name "RecentThreads" or the initial default block in some way. If the problem still exists then I will advise but let's remove ALL possible potential influences first

Yes, that seems to be the cause of the problem. We are filtering forums in block with name "RecentThreads" only. We will try to find some solution for this, to make possible to filter any other blocks based on Recent Threads.

Thank you!
Yes, that seems to be the cause of the problem. We are filtering forums in block with name "RecentThreads" only. We will try to find some solution for this, to make possible to filter any other blocks based on Recent Threads.

Thank you!
I wouldn't worry about it Mate...don't make it more complicated as I can easily change it on my end and use the RecentThreads block for the filtering
@XCentral - I can confirm that the NewThreads block on the Portal is now working as designed...I was right, it was that I was using a 2nd Newthreads block...so thanks
I have finished setting this all up and this addon is working great.

If anyone wants to see it is action I have 3 sites (with 3 XF licenses) all linked together from the one single XF install but sharing a few forums across all sites whilst each site having their own unique forums as well. I am also sharing main menu items of addons like a Photo Gallery, Video Library, News Reader, and more across all sites...the sites are:

Thanks @XCentral
On the membercard it shows total post count and clicking the total, it shows posts for all sites. This seemed to start happening again in last update.
On the membercard it shows total post count and clicking the total, it shows posts for all sites. This seemed to start happening again in last update.

The stats are not supported yet, so post count is not per-site for now. The issue with the search is fixed now and the new version is released. Please let us know if you need anything else.

Thank you!
The stats are not supported yet, so post count is not per-site for now. The issue with the search is fixed now and the new version is released. Please let us know if you need anything else.

Thank you!

Awesome! Thanks for the fast fix. Thanks for adding support for XC Ad Server too! Now just waiting on support for Disable add-ons based on site.. Added support for Sportsbooker, [bd] Attachment Store, XC Trading and XC Invite and this will be perfect for me :D
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I'm trying to display some forums from my main site on a satellite site - but I don't want to show the whole node tree above those forums.
Basically, I have Category>Subcategory>forum and just want to show the forum in the second site, without it having to be inside the Category and Subcategory containers - just as a top-level node in its own right.
Is that possible?
Hello, @MegaFora

It is not possible for now, and we are not sure if it is a good idea to support change like this. Of course you can have only "forum" to be accessible in the second side, but for that you should choose its direct parents in the list as well. If you will not choose other sub-forums, they will not appear in the other site, just the "forum". Let us know if this works for you, and if you have any other questions.

Thank you!
Hello, @MegaFora

It is not possible for now, and we are not sure if it is a good idea to support change like this. Of course you can have only "forum" to be accessible in the second side, but for that you should choose its direct parents in the list as well. If you will not choose other sub-forums, they will not appear in the other site, just the "forum". Let us know if this works for you, and if you have any other questions.

Thank you!

Ultimately I think we'll have to rearrange our main site so that the satellite site looks right - as it stands there's no other way of getting a consistent look.
Wouldn't the option to rearrange nodes be a good thing all round in terms of flexibility? It might be time-consuming to code and potentially confusing to a few admins, but other than that I can't think why it wouldn't be a good idea to support it, as an option for those that want it. Maybe even as an extra, chargeable addon to this addon? I'd buy it...
Ultimately I think we'll have to rearrange our main site so that the satellite site looks right - as it stands there's no other way of getting a consistent look.
Wouldn't the option to rearrange nodes be a good thing all round in terms of flexibility? It might be time-consuming to code and potentially confusing to a few admins, but other than that I can't think why it wouldn't be a good idea to support it, as an option for those that want it. Maybe even as an extra, chargeable addon to this addon? I'd buy it...

Of course as a feature it may be useful, though quite rarely used. It is just technically problematic to support, as order of nodes, their parent/child relationship is something more complex, and unpredictable errors may happen due to such changes. We can develop something for you, as a separate plugin, and it will not be included in product package. Please contact us at https://desk.xencentral.com/ for the terms.

Thank you!
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