Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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Chris, I've just tested this and I'm getting the same thing - see here. I did this using Chrome 34 on Windows 7. I've viewed the thread in Chrome, Firefox and IE11 on Windows 7 and can't see any images, only the text.

I was going to test with a public image of mine, nnfortunately it seems that I can't change the view permissions on albums on your site.
I initially tested on my own site, and all worked fine, though i did encounter the same issue over at the xmg site. So a minor glitch im sure chris will sort out in a timely manner ;)
I've got a fresh XF install and I'm new to XF & XMG so possibly a n00b error.
When I go to my Media page (as a logged in user) I cant add categories or albums. I can only add media, when doing so there are these options:

Add media to...

A site category:
An album:

Theres is a drop down box in "An Album:" which says "Create an album..." however selecting this does nothing.
The field below is there to choose local upload of URL upload of an image, which works and allows me to add a title and description, but then clicking "Save Media" causes the error message below:

The following error occurred:
Requested album could not be found.

Permissions as set in image attached.

I tried the test forum:

And I still cant see anywhere to create an album in "Albums" unless I add new media.... but that only work on the XMG forum, not on mine, I'm still not getting the pop up.

What am I doing wrong :(


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After installing an add-on, two and a half actually, its ridiculous but until I can get some free time to research XF friendly hosts I'll have to put up with it, unless current host can work out how to improve things.

Anyway, I digress, 2.1.0 RC2 is the current XMG I have installed.
OK looks like RC3 has fixed the pop up issue.

Is there anyway to manually create Albums and Catagories from the /media/users/username/albums/ page (without having to upload an image)?

The problem I feel with that approach is it more often than not would lead to an increase in the number if empty albums.

What is the particular use case of being able to create an album with no media in it?
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