What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

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Well-known member
Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D
Of course we want things at the cheapest price possible and not the highest, so I'm going with "$95 - $125 per year" ;). At the moment, the votes seem as if they're biased towards an estimate of the actual price (by members and not the official price announced by staff). To be honest, if I do make a purchase I'm willing to spend up to $200 (I know that's a little cheap :() and even worse, I don't like the idea of an annual payment. I prefer one-off payments in all honesty.
I pretty much liked the old vBulletin licensing system which is also used by IPS. You buy the license for a set amount and then make renewals. That's your updates/upgrades AND your support sorted.
The way it is now at vB, forum-only customers are shafted after 30 days as far as support goes. I don't think that's right. I think support should be as much part of the deal as software updates. The support is one of the big reasons to pay for professional scripts. Of course, it's not the ONLY reason. And some people hardly use support at all. But it's peace of mind, knowing that it's there if you ever need it.
I pretty much liked the old vBulletin licensing system which is also used by IPS. You buy the license for a set amount and then make renewals. That's your updates/upgrades AND your support sorted.
The way it is now at vB, forum-only customers are shafted after 30 days as far as support goes. I don't think that's right. I think support should be as much part of the deal as software updates. The support is one of the big reasons to pay for professional scripts. Of course, it's not the ONLY reason. And some people hardly use support at all. But it's peace of mind, knowing that it's there if you ever need it.

I didn't realize they were limiting support...

I never go to vB.com, as if I have an issue I can either solve it myself, or get someone I know to do it for me.
I didn't realize they were limiting support...

I never go to vB.com, as if I have an issue I can either solve it myself, or get someone I know to do it for me.
If you buy the Suite, you get support for as long as the version you bought is supported. If you buy forums-only, you only get 30 days support. After that, good luck.

I don't wanna make this an anti-vB thread or anything. So let's get back to xF and prices/licensing ideas/opinions.
If you buy the Suite, you get support for as long as the version you bought is supported. If you buy forums-only, you only get 30 days support. After that, good luck.

I don't wanna make this an anti-vB thread or anything. So let's get back to xF and prices/licensing ideas/opinions.

I'm sure Mike and Kier will adopt the old vBulletin license structure though; I never really saw people complain much with it.
Yeah, I liked that license structure, but it's probably not that good for consistent cash flow
that NOT our problem :)

xF must be better, faster, innovative and easier as vb, ipb, wbb etc. than more and more users will change. Im interested in a good userfriedly, fast board with options to build in better functionality. The interest of shareholders etc. I couldn't care less.
it is our problem. we don't want them to have to sell to another company that will drive the product to the ground.

money is important in development and support of the product
And hopefully Kier, Mike and Ashley will never make the same mistake as James (?), selling their business off to a corporation. I am pretty sure in fact, that that won't happen. :D
that NOT our problem :)

xF must be better, faster, innovative and easier as vb, ipb, wbb etc. than more and more users will change. Im interested in a good userfriedly, fast board with options to build in better functionality. The interest of shareholders etc. I couldn't care less.

I have a huge interest in the cash flow that Mike and Kier get from this project; I believe they deserve to get paid as much as they possibly can, while keeping the cost considerate to the users (vBulletin didn't do this, and theres a lot of hard feelings now).

I stated the prices I'd -prefer- to pay, paying more wouldn't be much of an issue for me however, as I fully believe this software deserves the price tag they choose to put on it.
And hopefully Kier, Mike and Ashley will never make the same mistake as James (?), selling their business off to a corporation. I am pretty sure in fact, that that won't happen. :D
I hope they learned a lot of these disaster! In my opinion vB3.X is the best forum software ... until now
And hopefully Kier, Mike and Ashley will never make the same mistake as James (?), selling their business off to a corporation. I am pretty sure in fact, that that won't happen. :D

James made money. Majority of you would of done the same thing.

We got thsi now, let us be happy we got something, than nothing out of the vB merger. :cool:
James made money. Majority of you would of done the same thing.

We got thsi now, let us be happy we got something, than nothing out of the vB merger. :cool:
He may have done right by himself - I'm not going to dispute that. But he could have made a better choice in as far as vBulletin's future was concerned. I mean, vBulletin isn't the first thing they (IB) bought and ran into the ground.

And that was an acquisition, not a merger. :P
I didn't realize they were limiting support...

I never go to vB.com, as if I have an issue I can either solve it myself, or get someone I know to do it for me.

Yeah they are. In the old vB with an even smaller team, 180 dollars covered lifetime support now with the new vB more money and more team members the support is limited to 30 days.
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