Other Waindigo acquired by Audentio

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Support issues aside, I'm more interested( @Mike Creuzer ) in how this will affect future development of the addons.

Obviously fixing stuff if necessary should be an initial priority, but I notice in the Hotspots discussion several people asking for (and in some cases offering to contribute towards) development of new features.
every developer dream about becoming the best add-on developer and making the best add-ons, and getting the most customers, and becoming a billionaire
Uh, no.
It's very hard to get a Billionaire with XenForo AddOns. ;)
I develop the AddOns I need, and share them. So, I have not enough AddOns that anyone will accuire me. :D
Right now, we need to figure out whats most important that needs to be fixed. Many of these add-ons, most, are going to be well a lot of effort to maintain when they only serve a small (1-5 people in some case) population. We are going to push for quality first and foremost, not necessarily quantity. Audentio Design has a lot of products, but they have each been supported for years. Take UI.X for example.

View attachment 116682

We support our work.
Thanks for this reply. It will be very interesting to see how you and your team will handle this massive project.
Jon has created very advanced functionality in amazing addons over years of very hard work and realizing admirable creative concepts. All in an insane pace of releasing addons. While this has resulted in addons that need quality audits and revision, it is an amazing portfolio. Some Waindigo addons fill essential needs for most sites. If you manage to get the most interesting addons up to par then that would be a very large step forward to enrich the xenforo community as a whole.

When you consider the popularity of addons please also consider the effect that quality issues have on popularity. Take the social groups addon for example. With the success of Reddit, Facebook Groups and StackExchange Q&A Communities as well as vbulletin to XF conversions, it does not need much explanation that social groups are in high demand. Waindigo groups offers very advanced functionality. Yet the ongoing quality issues shunned many away from it and leave an unfilled demand for other developers to fill. So the popularity of such addons may not always be representable for the real demand.

All in all it seems very good that a company with a significant team is taking over this portfolio.
We're going to have a forum up soon to discuss this under a new brand we are releasing. The purpose of this brand will be to simplify our business and bring a more cohesive look to two very dated brands (Audentio and Waindigo) :p We know how ugly our site is, so...yeah new will be good.
It looks a little dated indeed. On your new website, will there be a publicly visible bug tracker / bug tracking forum so that potential customers can easily see the state of a product?
Hi Dave, are you asking if we are adding anyone to our team? If so, no Jon I believe worked alone and he will not be working with us. We have a team of 7 people who will be able to offer premium support, all in-office.

Will the addons be moved to audentio.com and will they be charged to get updates like the subaccount addon etc...?
I use some the free addons from Jon W and I have Mike on skype. Always got a quick response from him via skype and in tickets. I look forward to seeing these addons continued.
I've always had a lot of respect for Jon W and have met him personally. I know how being bogged down and overloaded (and with that portfolio, surely that's a factor?) can seriously impact negatively on quality of life and how much time you get to spend with family and doing things you enjoy. This change must mean a huge weight of your mind Jon and comforting to know you can pursue other things whilst your former customers and friends can be looked after by a much bigger team.

I've known Mike also for a while now and used him and audentio several times on projects and of course run UI.X. I've generally not had any reason to complain until lately, when I've found support really sluggish (via ticket)... however, I fully understand that the acquisition is likely the cause of delays. I do hope that audentio invest some thought and time into simplifying and improving support because after reading this whole thread it's evident there is a few areas of concern, but nothing major - everything can always be improved upon.

Keep up the great work @Mike Creuzer and the very best of luck in your future endeavours @Jon W - I'll keep my eyes open for Cake developments :)
All of those add-ons will remain free :)

Call me crazy, but I'd love to donate/pay to be assured of progress/updates/support especially if we get some of these addons to a functional level that could be pushed to production. (subaccounts comes to mind first)

Just tell me where to throw my wallet.
Call me crazy, but I'd love to donate/pay to be assured of progress/updates/support especially if we get some of these addons to a functional level that could be pushed to production. (subaccounts comes to mind first)

Just tell me where to throw my wallet.

Shoot me a PM of what you're wanting specifically :)
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