Other Waindigo acquired by Audentio

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You have no grounds to say what every developers dream is, you cannot read our minds, you do not know our dreams. Aside from that, billion dollar sales from this small market is a pipe dream. Real developers are real people and we have real goals. I assure you nobody in your list, myself, or any of the other devs you left out are attempting to make a billion dollars off XenForo add-ons. XenForo's devs aren't likely trying to make a billion dollars off XenForo lol. Not saying any of us wouldn't be cool with that happening but, we just don't abuse drugs like that.
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I just hope Audentio can takeon this responsibility. Audentio have replied to support tickets within 24 hours usually... but i did find that they sometimes were in a hurry and it took more tickets to get the support I needed.

@Jon W
The cake addon... is that a seriously developed project. This thread sounds a bit like your farewell even though you mentioned you would do this part time...
Thank you all for the well wishes. We have some announcements to release in due course. Im not worried about the business model until we make sure everyone is accounted for. We've taken over Jon's existing work and have to finish the custom development required of us first.

When that is done, we are going to be evaluating which add-ons need immediate help. We're going to have a forum up soon to discuss this under a new brand we are releasing. The purpose of this brand will be to simplify our business and bring a more cohesive look to two very dated brands (Audentio and Waindigo) :P We know how ugly our site is, so...yeah new will be good.

I have posted questions both in forums and through their ticket system, finally I decided to remove:
their navigation addon.
UIX with a branding removal.
and I'm planning to remove soon my second UIX theme.
my only concern now is if I have to remove also the waindigo addons , including the ones I have founded.

I've seen your posts here and there, and all I can say is that I am here. I am here to help with any issue you have, I've messaged you many times, and you me. Each response was returned in a timely manner, each issue addressed as soon as I could. If you need better service, create a ticket at audentio.com and we can exchange phone or skype information. Im happy to make sure that what ever is ailing you is taken care of.

@Mike Creuzer What are your views on quality control for waindigo addons? As you know there are quality issues with various waindigo addons. Do you intent to address these and if so how?

Right now, we need to figure out whats most important that needs to be fixed. Many of these add-ons, most, are going to be well a lot of effort to maintain when they only serve a small (1-5 people in some case) population. We are going to push for quality first and foremost, not necessarily quantity. Audentio Design has a lot of products, but they have each been supported for years. Take UI.X for example.

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 3.12.41 PM.webp

We support our work.
I've seen your posts here and there, and all I can say is that I am here. I am here to help with any issue you have, I've messaged you many times, and you me. Each response was returned in a timely manner, each issue addressed as soon as I could. If you need better service, create a ticket at audentio.com and we can exchange phone or skype information. Im happy to make sure that what ever is ailing you is taken care of.
Hi Mike
You are a good person, and I have no doubt you are trying to help.
The first issue I have reported, was about the lack of RTL support in UIX. you said you are trying to add RTL support, I waited during months, and you fixed many RTL issues. it was a good job and I was happy.
the second issue That I have reported was about the last post text. for a strange reason it looks absolutely different if you are logging in. Support in your site said the issue was fixed , but its not.
another issue was reported here in Jun 8, 2015 :
an answer was given 15 days later and it wasn't even a solution.
My most annoying issue was reported in the ticket system Aug 28, 2015: after UIX upgrade, a second scrollbar showed on the left of all my pages making scrolling a nightmare. I have provided FTP details the same day, but nothing was fixed even you admitted this was caused by the last UIX upgrade. 3 Days later I had to remove your addon because navigation in my site was almost impossible.
I can't use your products any more, unless there is a big change in your support policy. my forum is not a test area, and I'm not paying to install unsupported Beta versions.
Im sure you have the best intentions in the world, that you work hard, but now that you have more products to maintain, will your support get better ?
I really doubt that.
the second issue That I have reported was about the last post text. for a strange reason it looks absolutely different if you are logging in. Support in your site said the issue was fixed , but its not.
another issue was reported here in Jun 8, 2015 :
an answer was given 15 days later and it wasn't even a solution.

I happen to have been out of town in this situation, and I'm sorry that I was unable to respond while I was out. Fact of the matter is that XenForo is a third-party area and I do not really have control over alerts. Sometimes I might open my alert tab, see many responses, and miss one. This is unfair to say its a flaw in XenForo because there are add-ons that may help in this area, they just are not installed here. XenForo does an amazing job, but sometimes we will miss a post here or there either just through not being able to funnel communication or through human error. I generally get to everyone in the end. And yes, use our ticket system for faster responses, that I do have control over.

I can't use your products any more, unless there is a big change in your support policy. my forum is not a test area, and I'm not paying to install unsupported Beta versions.

Sometimes we miss a response, but VERY rarely. I mean, even if it was just 1% of the time, I really hope you would still understand we are doing the best we can. We have a limited tool bag here at XenForo.com. We work FULL time for XenForo users, and I like to think we do pretty well. I agree that we can do better. We strive for better every day. We are growing as a company and our team is learning every day.

We all go above and beyond the normal 8 hour work day to make sure that even though we are in CST, the rest of the world is on whatever schedule. My team has been known to get out of bed at 2am to make sure something critical was taken care of. I can ask no more.
Congrats on the purchase. I am sure the support will be as good as it is with the theme support.
Along with Xon and AndyB, Jon's add-ons were free. And most of his add-on are very essential and usefull (from my view). My concern is that we lose now this advantage of having free add-ons and that the most of them will turn into paid ones.
I never got to give my congratulations, we got caught up in that... whatever it was over in page 2.

Congratulations @Audentio Design (@Mike Creuzer) for the acquisition. I'm sure it's a great one. Waindigo was always a good brand and it's got a lot of add-ons that actually help XenForo by extending it and adding support for a lot of things. Trophies and warnings are just some examples of how it makes existing XenForo systems more popular. Jon had a lot of add-ons, and a lot of them were very helpful. Good luck with it all haha, and wise business choice :)

As for @Jon W, we've never really interacted. I've never really had to ask you for support either (I guess that's a good indication haha) other than just a few days ago for trophies. I've used quite a few of your add-ons and they've been a great help, almost so much that I take it for granted, some stuff just seems like it should be core (trophies and warnings in particular, the trophies system has so much potential but it's never been pushed, but I'll save it for another thread). I'm surprised almost everything you did was free. Sucks to see you going inactive here but I'm sure you've learned a lot and left behind a lot too for future webmasters. Best of luck in all that you do dude.
Along with Xon and AndyB, Jon's add-ons were free. And most of his add-on are very essential and usefull (from my view). My concern is that we lose now this advantage of having free add-ons and that the most of them will turn into paid ones.

They will be staying free, though some may be marked as "Unmaintained". In fact, they will be more free than before. All 'premium' features will be available for free as we start updating and releasing the rebranded Add-ons :)
They will be staying free, though some may be marked as "Unmaintained". In fact, they will be more free than before. All 'premium' features will be available for free as we start updating and releasing the rebranded Add-ons :)
So you plan to put them under Audentio (no brainer). Eventually will the Waindigo brand go inactive or do you plan to do something with it?
They will be staying free, though some may be marked as "Unmaintained". In fact, they will be more free than before. All 'premium' features will be available for free as we start updating and releasing the rebranded Add-ons :)
This is excellent. Thank you.
What are your plans for 2.0 though? As I think most of the features in Jon's add-ons won't be in the newer Xenforo (like they aren't now) and I hoped in using them also when 2.0 comes out. Of course with the delay of making them compatible with the 2.0.
Will you try maintain these add-ons when 2.0 is out? And also for free?
So you plan to put them under Audentio (no brainer). Eventually will the Waindigo brand go inactive or do you plan to do something with it?

The full details to this have not been ironed out quite yet. We'll be sure to make the announcement as soon as everything is ready. It is likely that we will not rebrand the unmaintained Add-ons though.
I am pleased to announce that following discussions over the past few weeks, it has been agreed that the entire portfolio of Waindigo add-ons and the Waindigo brand (including the Waindigo website) has been acquired by Audentio.

The Audentio team have already been in contact with all Waindigo customers who had work outstanding and has agreed to continue that work or offer a full refund. I am incredibly grateful to Mike and the Audentio team for the speed at which they have sorted this.

All Waindigo subscriptions will continue unaffected and Audentio will now provide the priority support to those with Gold and Silver subscriptions.

Having worked closely with Audentio on a number of projects over the years, I am confident that they have more than enough expertise and experience to provide Waindigo customers with continued high quality development and support.

There will be a short transition period where the Install and Upgrade by Waindigo and Premium by Waindigo add-ons which require a "call home" to Waindigo servers will continue to make requests to existing servers owned by Waindigo Ltd, which are not owned/managed by Audentio. These servers will remain active during this transition period. Audentio will release the necessary updates to these add-ons, after which time the old servers will be retired.

Due to other commitments, I have decided to step away from developing XenForo add-ons on a full time basis. I will no longer be actively involved in the development of any Waindigo add-ons, although I may provide some support on the forums on an ad-hoc basis.

Add-ons currently pre-released under the "Cake" brand will continue to be owned and maintained by me on a part-time basis. The latest beta updates will be released in the coming days and more details on this can be found at www.forumcake.com.

Thank you all for your understanding.
I say congrats. I hope you got a pretty penny out of the deal. In which case, might I borrow $200-$300 please? :P
Anyway - best of luck to you Jon!

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