vb5 beta released, and...

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I recently made a post about this. I think that "whole site" solutions are a mistake (if I may be so bold):

In short, when you turn a forum application into a "whole site" solution you end up with a plate full of garnish which is inedible. What you should be focusing on is the meat and potatoes. And if your customers demand garnish then you should ignore them. Serve them meat and potatoes and they will be healthier for it.
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I hope you will stay like this "FORUM".
I have no doubt in 'XenForo', because there is still the word FORUM.
Otherwise we would have to go use platforms "forum" elsewhere.
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What did I just read?

you want to be prepared for a dedicated server much earlier than say VB3.x or XF software, either one using Joomla 2.5 as a CMS. Wordpress is a huge resource hog now too, unfortunately.
Really? The core of latest Drupal and Wordpress seem the same/comparable to me. Except that Wordpress is also 2x as easy to use. I've always compared Wordpress to XF -- streamlined, fast, and intuitive. Research from various CMS sites seems to confirm this. Are there any resources to disprove this view?
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That is prity much how I feel. I was hopeful vb5 was something i could get into again but the css structure/html is an absolute nightmare to work with from a styling point of view. I've spent about 4-5 hours styling it and what should be simplistic fixes is a laborious task that has you pulling your hair out in shreds.

For my own interests, I had hoped I could start working on vB sites again. I cut off working with 4.x sites just due to frustration, but still hang my shingle up as someone who could help work with and optimize vB3.7/3.8 installations that might not be feasible to "upgrade" to a higher version. I now restrict myself to XF and one or two of the free forum solutions out there. I can see that the admin control panel in vB5 has not changed one bit--still the same growing stack of menu choices in the lefthand sidebar. Even after several years working with 3.7, I still find it difficult to navigate.

A very small part of me (and I stress very small) almost wants to believe the vB5 demo was a "proof of concept" made to show look, layout and function, not using the actual finished code. But that would not explain why the beta is now available for purchase in its current form. I might have stuck with vB5 had they truly done a ground-up rewrite and made it a lot more efficient.

Maybe if we turn this back around to the lawsuit again, perhaps they don't want their new product to look or function anything like XF for fear of being accused of copying themselves and avoid a countersuit. As it stands though, the end product is so incredibly confusing and inefficient that it makes IB's weak case against XF even weaker. And I would hope that the defense attorneys recognize this! With the end products so different, it even becomes more blindingly clear that they instituted this lawsuit to put a halt to XF's development and sap them of resources so they could get their own product out there.

Disturbing, though, are the bans I'm reading about here in this thread. If the vB team were smart, they would have opened up the alpha to a selected team of non-IB users to provide constructive feedback and help improve the end product. For us big board admins, too...what do we need to run this on, a Cray supercomputer??
Maybe if we turn this back around to the lawsuit again, perhaps they don't want their new product to look or function anything like XF for fear of being accused of copying themselves and avoid a countersuit.
There's a few XF elements here or there though; for example, a user's profile page has the same two lines vertically stacked:
find all of user's content
find all of user's threads

(just renamed).

Vb5 seems to be a mishmash of several different products: pieces of Xenforo, pieces of IPB, pieces of Facebook, all I'll-designed and put together (as someone on vb.com said) by outsourced juniors.
Vb5 seems to be a mishmash of several different products: pieces of Xenforo, pieces of IPB, pieces of Facebook, all I'll-designed and put together (as someone on vb.com said) by outsourced juniors.
.... with a heavy dash of LaunchForum thrown into the mix.
Vb5 seems to be a mishmash of several different products: pieces of Xenforo, pieces of IPB, pieces of Facebook, all I'll-designed and put together (as someone on vb.com said) by outsourced juniors.

Juniors...or cheap overseas labor? Reading the documentation in the XF lawsuit, the threat did come up from IB that if their timelines weren't met, they would have turned vB's "development" team into a team of code-checkers for outsourced overseas labor. Makes me wonder...
There's a few XF elements here or there though; for example, a user's profile page has the same two lines vertically stacked:
find all of user's content
find all of user's threads

(just renamed).

Vb5 seems to be a mishmash of several different products: pieces of Xenforo, pieces of IPB, pieces of Facebook, all I'll-designed and put together (as someone on vb.com said) by outsourced juniors.

Maybe all forum companies should go together and sue vBulletin for stealing their stuff and putting it all together to a useless product!
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