The new "New" icon

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
Just noticed the new "New" icon in posts.

I have to say it's a huge improvement on the old one <thumbsup>

How does it fit within the overall width of the site though?
Quite curious to see how it works as it sort of "wraps" around the edge.

It looks really good though.
hmmm... it does not look like a wrap-around-effect, at least it looks strange to me (using FireFox-browser 3.6.8).

It looks like somebody but a 1px-square onto the top-right-corner.

Just for you Abomination.

Looks like the image gets pushed down below the icon.
I think we need every pixel we can get horizontally. I really want 800 wide pictures for our site, and other things will fill up most the rest of the horizontal space. (yes it depends on monitor resolution)
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