Lack of interest [Suggestion] Moderator 'Column' (already implemented?)

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Well-known member
just curious, is this already implmented?
if not this is my suggestion: put the name of the moderator/s under the forum title linked to their profiles.
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Leave it alone. Back in those days, it was interesting to see who moderates those forums at first sight, it stroked my ego when I was mod....but now everything changed. I propose a dropdown like you do for topics. and I say dropdown on number of threads/posts or near the collapse button [vb] corner.
The Pages functionality can be used to display staff members.
I see no need to have moderators listed on forum home.
I don't see the need for the mod column when you have 2 other options.

1) mods online are displayed to the right.
2) As Brogan said, you can use the pages features to create a staff page, listing the forums that they moderate either beside or beneath their names.

This will leave the forum home page clean and neat. :)
The Pages functionality can be used to display staff members.
I see no need to have moderators listed on forum home.
i don't understand why we need to make a page for the staff members ... as a simple user, if i wanna contact the forum/section's responsible i need to know (perfectly) who i need to contact ...
i don't understand why we need to make a page for the staff members ... as a simple user, if i wanna contact the forum/section's responsible i need to know (perfectly) who i need to contact ...
Sometimes, new users want to know who owns the site. Who runs the operation. That's staff page for you.
I don't see the need for the mod column when you have 2 other options.

1) mods online are displayed to the right.
2) As Brogan said, you can use the pages features to create a staff page, listing the forums that they moderate either beside or beneath their names.

This will leave the forum home page clean and neat. :)
i know Peggy, but in the right block i can't see what are the sections which you're the moderator ... (maybe you're a supermod)
From experience, the mods listing on the forum home is used a lot and not just in specific markets either. I think that it is quite important when you have forum mods and not just all super mods as users do need to be able to find out quickly who to contact if they need to contact a mod for a section. There is nothing more frustrating as a user than contacting a mod to find out why a thread/post was deleted only to be given the run around becuse the mod you have contacted doesnt have powers in the forum you are talking about.
From experience, the mods listing on the forum home is used a lot and not just in specific markets either. I think that it is quite important when you have forum mods and not just all super mods as users do need to be able to find out quickly who to contact if they need to contact a mod for a section. There is nothing more frustrating as a user than contacting a mod to find out why a thread/post was deleted only to be given the run around becuse the mod you have contacted doesnt have powers in the forum you are talking about.
thanks K-Anne for a better explanation :)
The Staff Page can display all of that information easily so as long as it's easily accessible then does it matter where it is displayed?
the information is not necessary - very small amount of people are interested in who is moderating in a particular forum

if and when that's the case they can always look at a staff page - Holy Crap Batman! We don't have a Staff page! :eek: :D :cool:
The Staff Page can display all of that information easily so as long as it's easily accessible then does it matter where it is displayed?
unfortunately isn't the same thing ... a normal (and maybe lazy) user need to know immediately who's in charge in a particular section.
The Staff Page can display all of that information easily so as long as it's easily accessible then does it matter where it is displayed?
Exactly. The Staff page link can be added to the navigation bar so that it's simply one click away.
It is close to the same thing Kurtz. The staff page is only ONE click away and can readily show which mod is taking care of which forum(s).
Exactly. The Staff page link can be added to the navigation bar so that it's simply one click away.
It's not the same at all though. In fact, this is a big thing for me as it is something that will need to be available for one of the companies I advise about their forum solutions, and I've been already making plans for putting together a demo for them styled to how they have their current forums and then convincing them to convert.

Got to remember too that if it is added, which it should be as more sites use it than don't and some markets will refuse to touch anything that doesn't display it so xF could miss out on a lot of sales especially in the arabic markets, that it will be more likely than not to be an option so if you dont like it you can turn it off.
I remember pre vb days one of the features I liked viewing was the mod column. eventually, upon purchase I found that I never used the moderator column and found it completely redundant. I also feel implementing a mod column wouldn't really fit into the whole feel of the forum and as others stated we have a staff online block that can easily be adapted to link back to a page highlighting the current staffs duties and where they moderate.

I rarely ever see (if ever) admins use the moderator column and have advance on by using "Meet the staffs" pages which I'm almost sure somebody here will created as a third party add-on.
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