s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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@SectionEighty Was that BBCode created with this add-on or another add-on?

It doesn't look like one of this add-on's BBCode. It should be:
I can't explain it. How/when did you create the BBCode you pasted above? What's your version of PHP and PCRE? (you can find that in a phpinfo page)
I can't explain it. How/when did you create the BBCode you pasted above? What's your version of PHP and PCRE? (you can find that in a phpinfo page)
Err, I just tried it for myself and it worked, wasn't before. We either did it wrong, or the latest update fixed it. Fairly sure it was the latest update. Thanks for responding!
I think it might have been this resource that used to let you embed Giantbomb.com videos, but now it just inserts the videos default image and no controls. Any thoughts?
Google+ post embeds might need an update. Google is now supporting URLs with custom URLs for embeds. Which means you can now embed links like these:


This is kind of an issue because Google is no longer providing URLs with UserIDs even when you take the link from the permalink. Previously the links had the userid instead of custom-url. Now all links except profile name use the custom URL. Hopefully I was able to explain the issue.

Right now S9E does not embed urls in above format.

Also... If possible, can you add support for URLs in this format:


These URLs are created when you are logged in to multiple Google accounts. You basically need to ignore the /u/o /u/1 and so on part in the URL! Thanks.
The add-on automatically replaces custom URLs with the user's ID so it shouldn't matter whether you use a custom URL or the one with the user ID. For instance, the first URL above is embedded as:

However, for some reason embedded Google+ posts don't load in my Chromium browser. That's not specific to the add-on, I see the same behaviour with the examples from their documentation. Google Chrome and Firefox work fine.

If possible, can you add support for URLs in this format:

Sure. I'll add that ASAP.
Just tried it again and it generated this:

Embed did not load. On my previous attempt, the link appeared without any conversion. I wonder what's happening. I would conduct more tests.
yup. the post is taking a while to post. i have this plugin installed:
Auto Link Titles | XenForo Community
though none of the other embed services supported takes this long to process.

since google is now supporting custom url for embedding, maybe you can ignore the need to convert the custom url to userid for such links? that would save on some processing time for everyone!
I don't think they currently support custom URLs for embedding. Their documentation still says that they are not supported and when I tried it, it didn't work. Where did you read that they were?
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div class="g-post" data-href="https://plus.google.com/+GoogleDocs/posts/RQp8YWaEX94"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>
The embed post I get for my own post uses my custom URL.

<!-- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>

<!-- Place this tag where you want the widget to render. -->
<div class="g-post" data-href="https://plus.google.com/+Sushubh/posts/JKo6YHLw5vj"></div>

reddit is now allowing embedding of comments on their platform.


embed code appears to be quite complicated though.

<div class="reddit-embed"  data-embed-token="9f0ec6ad8889cfd2f610429a309a82ffca6a37be" data-embed-media="www.redditmedia.com"  data-embed-live="true"  data-embed-created="2015-03-24T17:27:30.315Z"><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2zboif/eli5_if_truffles_are_so_rare_why_dont_we_just/cphgdqw">Comment</a> from discussion <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2zboif/eli5_if_truffles_are_so_rare_why_dont_we_just/">ELI5: If truffles are so rare why don&#x27;t we just farm them?</a>.</div><script async src="//www.redditstatic.com/comment-embed.js"></script>
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