s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Would be nice to see a code for geocaches from geocaching.com added to this great pack
I've looked into Geocaching.com but it seems they don't offer any way to embed their content. Apparently they used to offer a public API in the past but they don't anymore. Scraping data from their page would be against their terms of service, so I'm afraid we can't embed anything useful.

I'd really love to have support for CFL.ca (Canadian Football League) videos.
Bad news, they don't seem to want their content to be embedded into other sites. I looked into their player and from what I can tell it's restricted to the few domains they appear on. It would not work on your forums, sorry.

Please add definition COUB
That's one terse request. It feels unfair that it's the one I can fulfill. Personally I don't know what's up with Coub and why it seemingly disappeared from Reddit 8 months ago, but they use a generic embed code so it doesn't cost me much to add it. You didn't submit any example URLs or indications of how Coub are supposed to be embedded so let's hope I got it right.

okay just thought it was there since it says pastebin
well If you could add sometime, i would be gratefull :)
@zadow I guess you're using this Pastebin BBCode. I looked at its XML and it seems fine. If it doesn't work it might be a temporary outage on Pastebin's side. With that said, I'm going to add Pastebin to this pack because it seems there's a small demand for it in other forums/Wordpress and it doesn't cost much to add it.
Man. How many URL types does Facebook have?


Did not embed!
JoshyPHP updated s9e Media BBCodes pack with a new update entry:

⚠ Updated Facebook

Now everything from Facebook (photos, videos, posts) is rendered the same way. Unfortunately, the format of the BBCode has changed and you need to update all the posts that contain the older Facebook BBCode or they'll stop working properly at some point in the future.

You can do it using the Post Message Regex Replacer add-on with the following settings:
        Quick Find: [MEDIA=facebook]id=

Read the rest of this update entry...
Man. How many URL types does Facebook have?

Too many for me to chase one by one, as it turns out. So instead I've broadened the matching expression enough to include any Facebook URLs that seem to carry a "fbid". There might be some false positives but I think it's easier for users to avoid false positives than for me to keep up to date with Facebook various URL formats.
@dehness It was never in the pack, but the site is popular enough to warrant its inclusion. The complete list of sites is on the first page at the top.
eBay India links are converting into blank embeds for me. Example link:


I also noticed that the script tempers with The Pirate Bay link. For example the .se link turns into:


I posted three links in a test post... Got this:

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eBay India links are converting into blank embeds for me.

Is it completely blank? What I get is a spinner (green discs that spin to indicate it's loading) followed by an error message.


I'll investigate it later but there's a possibility that it's a limitation of the eBay To Go widget.

I also noticed that the script tempers with The Pirate Bay link.

Yes, that's something I knew to be theoretically possible but the conditions for it to happen are so narrow that I wasn't sure it would ever happen in the real world. As you must have guessed, it's a false positive between the names ebay and thepiratebay. Normally it would only happen if The Pirate Bay's URL resembled an eBay URL but in this case there's another factor in play, that in order to embed eBay links the add-on has to scrape the page. And by the time it happens and my code notices that it's not the right page, it's too late to prevent the invalid BBCode and the least bad option is to reproduce the URL in its entirety, that's why you get the full URL instead of an invalid or empty eBay ID. But really the problem is that the patterns I use in this add-on don't check the host name very thoroughly because the system they were created for checks the host names separately. I'm going to fix this bug by modifying the matching patterns to better prevent false positives. They will still be theoretically possible but they'll be even less likely.
I guess I would disable eBay from the backend. The flash applet was not loading for me because my board is HTTPS. Enabling insecure links showed the same box as above. Should have realized! Thanks!

I am guessing ebay.in does not have support for embedding like ebay.com?

Update: eBay.in seems to have embed support but the whole system is a mess on a HTTPS board. eBay does not like using their product pages with HTTPS... Gives a warning.
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