Random Thoughts...

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Slavik in principle I agree. If other factors were better managed.
I am obese due to illness. I have been fighting it for a long time. But I get rid of it, get sick again and have to do it all again.
As a result I know far more than I want to about the obesity struggle.

One major issue is about 80% of the food sold in shops is bad for us. It used to be more like 30% was sugared, or crisps, or high fat. Now we have to exercise high level willpower when shopping all the time. Why should my shopping be such an ordeal?
Manufacturers use highly paid professionals working full time in big teams to use a mass of psychological and physical research - all to break past my individual willpower. Advertising actually works so it kills people via this crusing of willpower! Then there's placement on shelves. Then there's outright lies - most "health food" is not healthy at all - and diet food is junk too. Most people dont know that. Then there's the growth os the pressure when I buy petrol or go in almost any building that sells other things - cinemas for example.
In poorer areas shops stock very little fresh food.Even when you can buy it the actual nutrition value of fresh food has gone down by around 60% because the soil is so exhausted by pesticides and artificial fertilisers. The body demands more because it knows its being cheated. So we eat more. Not everyone can afford organic stuff and even that is not as good as years ago.
Add to all this that exercise options are difficult - sports grounds being sold off to developers to build offices. Walking the street is not safe in many areas and sports facilities are expensive. Try juggling a family with children, and a business to run around council crazy opening hours for the pool. We spent years organising the entire family week around the few hours available for me to swim. I gave up on that and now pay for a private club. Not everyone can afford that.
To diet effectively I just dont go out for months. Except to the club to swim. so I live this horrible isolated life because our government wont legally control the lying cheating food industry. The campaign to get clear "traffic light labels" on foods to show sugar, salt and fat content was thrown out - by the food industry. Which funds both the big political parties so government is passive.

It just isnt so simple as willpower and laziness. Years ago I could go shopping and get good food anywhere - which really was good food. I could walk the streets and go swimming any evening after work..
It just isnt so simple as willpower and laziness. Years ago I could go shopping and get good food anywhere - which really was good food. I could walk the streets and go swimming any evening after work..

I know a lot has to change in the supermarkets and marketting also. However, it doesn't help when people use the "easy" options provided to us when the "more diffcult, but healther" options are just as reachable with a little effort.

I have a friend with a particular condition also which causes him to gain weight, short of a gastric band or gastric bypass, he has been told he will never lose weight. People like this I can sympathise with. The people who I cant sympathise with are the lazy slobs who do it to themselves.
I justthink that an awful lot of people are affected by the swamping bad food in the shops, cruelly clever exploitative adverts, product placements, wafting mouth watering aromas through a shop, the lack of good stuff available in some areas, lack of exercise facilities incl safe walking, and denatured food after all that even if you can afford organic and it's available in your area.
That all adds up to a lot of people. Plus I don;t think people's willpower has changed a lot in 30 years and 30 years ago we didn't have an obesity epidemic. But since then all the above factors have changed.
Everything a supermarket is bad for you. Everything is made in bulk, thus they have to either pump it with long-lasting crap, or make it very cheaply so that if it spoils, it wont cost them much.

Short of buying all your meat direct from a local butcher (we took to doing this for a while but its crazy expensive!), growing all your own fruit and veg in an alotment, etc there's not a massive amount you can do about it.

The only thing you can do is monitor your food intake. This is actually pretty easy to do now with apps like myfitnesspal. You can just tell it what you had, and from what supermarket, and it works out your calorie intake. So you can use it to put together a daily calorie tracker, then offset it with exercise. Simple in theory as long as you are in control of your food (i.e not being chosen and cooked by a significant other).
Rick glad you understand. I tried those apps but I eat too many nonstandard things - like rough organic oats is different to standard oats for porridge. Also they don't take account of 20% extra for fibre - new research.:(
I just stay at home, order online, go to health club.
Just sliced hand open doing the washing up and not realising a very sharp knife was in the bowl.

Used some gaffer tape to fix it :D
I do not understand how Lawrence deleted my post. Over a question.

A simple QUESTION.?

I'm guessing the moderators want to give me a hard day. As if having a bad day isn't ENOUGH!
There's a lot of people like this guy after today -


I have a friend with a particular condition also which causes him to gain weight, short of a gastric band or gastric bypass, he has been told he will never lose weight. People like this I can sympathise with. The people who I cant sympathise with are the lazy slobs who do it to themselves.

My Son has similar, a Random Genetic Condition called Prader-Willi Syndrome. Eventually he will eat himself to death (or at least die of obesity). Gastric Band isn't an option, since it's plain and simply that his Stomach Doest tell his head when he's full. Whilst resigned to this, it doesn't stop me taking him out for walks or having play fights, figuring that every little bit I do will make him live that little longer :)
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