Random Thoughts...

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Would be easier if coders would just admit they don't know how to do something nor do they want to try instead of giving you an excuse of why it can't or shouldn't be done (when it has been done many times before).
Would be easier if coders would just admit they don't know how to do something nor do they want to try instead of giving you an excuse of why it can't or shouldn't be done (when it has been done many times before).
^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^
I need to buy a katana so I can do this stuff.

Rivers of crimson lead me now.
Trail of fire, in a place of fire ethernal, left IN FLAMES.
Behold the heart of mine IN FLAMES.
Oh I was supposed to sew the mainsail for J's model yacht HOURS ago
- he's expecting to string it up tomorrow
... 2am and still floating around the net .... John Cale good listening ...
gotta do this SAIL ... but I got 3 HUGE cats lying on me heavy n hot ... gotta do this SAIL

............ gotta
Privatising the NHS will be the biggest mistake the fools you call the UK government the biggest mistake they'll ever make.

I so agree Shelley. The NHS was one of the greatest social events in history and we Brits were incredibly proud of it.
We still value it highly but it's tragically under siege. But the fight goes on.

If you can make me scared, if that's what you do
If I'm unclear, can I get out of this thing with me and you
If you feel scared, and a bit confused
I got to say, this sounds a little beyond anything I'm used to

Clearly entranced, you're heading back now
Defanged destroyer limps into the bay
Down at the beach it's attracting quite a crowd
As kids wade through the blood out to it to play

Okay, you made me scared, you did what you set out to do
I'm not prepared, you really had me going there for a minute or two
He said, you made me scared too, I wasn't sure I was getting through
I got to go, it's been a pleasure doing business with you
I so agree Shelley. The NHS was one of the greatest social events in history and we Brits were incredibly proud of it.
We still value it highly but it's tragically under siege. But the fight goes on.

The NHS, even though government owned is still a business, and trusts are expected to turn a profit at the end of each year. However as you know, the chronic issues with the people who live their (lazy, too fat, smoking, binge drinking idiots) lifestyles place a demand on services which are unsustainable.

I for one think that critical care and "basic" care (gp appointments for referals and basic illness) should be provided on the NHS, if you want bonus services, it should be paid for. People with chronic conditions caused by their own ineptitude (eg diabetes caused by obesety) should have to pay for treatment, yes it sounds harsh, but if people were prescribed some excersise and healthy eating before the diabetes developped, that may have stopped it developping alltogether.
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