Random Thoughts...

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Its a little like a commandment to me....

  • Thou shall not make profit from making an importer and selling it to the masses.

Can respect people selling an importing service, provided there is a free alternative which people can do themselves.
whenever I see the watched icon I always wonder....

LOL - you know, I've forgotten myself what username he's going under at these forums. *Checks profile* I know he's posted there once or twice. :D

Yeah.. I thought it was Brad... but I'm not sure he's any of the Brad's listed, so didn't want to chance blaming a Brad that wasn't the right Brad..... *confuses myself*
I should probably eat... I'm sure it will make me feel slightly better.

I'm sitting here eating pretzels but craving a western omelette with lots of hot picante sauce spread over it. Guess I should go to bed and then have that for breakfast when I wake up. (y)
I'm sitting here eating pretzels but craving a western omelette with lots of hot picante sauce spread over it. Guess I should go to bed and then have that for breakfast when I wake up. (y)

I woke up and moving made me beyond sick. I have yet to eat. :(
pizza. you'll feel better

Pizza makes everything better!
And no, haven't gone to bed yet - had to go to the Dr. office and fix yet another networking "problem" they suffered. It helps if you plug the cable into the right network card silly's! At least I got to bring home their other old server for me to play with.:LOL:
Random thought.....

I really dislike it when someone says they have a bunch of thing they want you to do for them, but they list them 1 by 1, and keep running off. Much prefer they just give me the list all at once, so I can do it all ASAP and not wait around for them to get back to me.
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