Phrase system/translation

Are you guys talking about making the Admin CP be in English mandatory or optional? Because with some of my forum admins who don't speak English, it's a big deal to have the ACP in their language.
So yeah, while I can see the benefits of having an English ACP - I think it should be translatable and should be translated with the rest of the software.
Maybe we could have a separate language chooser in the ACP that is independent from the language chooser in the frontend? (Then again maybe that's what you guys meant all along lol)
Optional, I don't expect everybody to know the English, however for many webmasters (like myself) I find it incredibly much easier to have it in English to either get help or help others find things and solve problems. With vB for example, in many occasions, even though I knew how to help someone, I didn't because it was too much of a hassle to change the language, write instructions, and change them back, and on the receiving end, to change the language, follow the instructions, and change it back... So an option to have English on an individual optional basis would be awesome. Other admins who do not do the trouble shooting etc, would be much more comfortable with the local language.

A separate language chooser for the ACP would work just as good :)
Not only is it fully phrased, we have developed a crowd-sourcing translation system built on top of the XenForo framework, so that you all can help us to produce non-English versions in record time.

We will deploy the translator on hopefully in the next few days.

I'm sorry, but is this translation system already installed or is it cancelled on some reason?
I'm sure Kier or Mike know the answer to this.
Mike said that they plan to release the tool after XF reaches Beta stage. So it could be any time now. If a moderator sees this, I would be much obliged if you could pass this question on to our magic coders. :)
I am not saying that we need it in 'English only'. What I said is this: 'If you speak English, then it is much more preferred if the ACP is in English and the frontend (user-functionality) in your local language'. At least, that is my opinion speaking from experience with vBulletin 3.8 where we use a professional Dutch translation where they decided (rightfully so, because almost everybody in the Netherlands understands English very well) to only translate the frontend in Dutch. However, with vBulletin 3.8 the odd and very irritating/inconvenient thing happens that still a fair amount of phrases appear in Dutch aswell in the ACP :confused:. They can not be divided from each other. So yeah, maybe your switch-idea will work!

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