XF 1.0 Pages

Pages allow you to manage simple content in the node tree. Find out more here:


The node list display could do with some improvements. We have some ideas about that.

The exact look of the auto-generated navigation is a work-in-progress as well. :)
Yes I saw that. I'm sure we'll be able to pad it a bit in the html or css to separate the two columns tho, don't you think?
Absolutely, I can't see that being a problem at all.
Although for consistency you might then need to do all the other pages/views so I would think twice :D
If I have a side column on all of my pages, I would separate all of them like that. I can't stand columns smashed up against each other.
I should note that the places you're referencing aren't using the pages system. If the URL doesn't have "pages/" in it, it's not using the system.
If I have a side column on all of my pages, I would separate all of them like that. I can't stand columns smashed up against each other.
Something like this then Peggy?

I should note that the places you're referencing aren't using the pages system. If the URL doesn't have "pages/" in it, it's not using the system.
Good point Mike.

In that case there are a couple of options as to where the "Staff page" can go although I quite like the idea of it being under the main Help menu.
ah yes, I gotcha.

Actually, I like the side column on the example page better, without the header on it. Don't you Brogan?
Actually, I like the side column on the example page better, without the header on it. Don't you Brogan?

I like both views and I already have a ton of ideas as to how to use each one on my site :)

I can see the merits of each one, the Staff page for example I can see being better off under Help, whereas other "pages" (e.g. in my case the F1 current standings) would be better suited in the actual page directory.
I like both views and I already have a ton of ideas as to how to use each one on my site :)

I can see the merits of each one, the Staff page for example I can see being better off under Help, whereas other "pages" (e.g. in my case the F1 current standings) would be better suited in the actual page directory.
ha this is an awesome feature. The possibilities truly are endless.
I hope this will explain what I mean.


I suspect (well, obviously) this is deliberate design. I think it's great. Because it makes it look like a book or archive or something where you have these (physical) labels attached to the pages, for easy access/reference. Know what I mean? For me, this design imitates that and it looks/works great because of the fact there is no padding there... :).
I suspect (well, obviously) this is deliberate design. I think it's great. Because it makes it look like a book or archive or something where you have these (physical) labels attached to the pages, for easy access/reference. Know what I mean? For me, this design imitates that and it looks/works great because of the fact there is no padding there... :).
I agree. The look is intended and I won't be changing it. :)
From what I can tell, this is the main html for the structure of the page:


<!-- h1 title, description -->

<div class="titleBar">
    <h1>Example Page Title</h1>                    
        <p id="pageDescription" class="muted baseHtml">This is an example page description.</p>

<!-- main template -->

<div id="pageNodeContent">
    <div class="baseHtml messageText">
        <p>This is an example page content.</p>


Essentially all the content goes where the "This is an example page content." is.

I'm not quite sure whether the code for the published date and views needs to be added manually or whether it is automatically added. By that I mean the whole div and not the actual date and number of views.
Something like this then Peggy?

Hope I'm not beating a dead horse, but I'll just say this is not two columns of text. The left side is a navigation selector for the content on the right. The menu is "touching" the content. You break the context if you add space.
Thanks Peggy.

By wrapper do you mean the section tags or the other stuff such as breadcrumbs, etc?

When I was practicing on a sample page, Mike told me to add only my content, that the page wrapper is automatically added, which includes the navigation bar, header, breadcrumbs, footer, etc.
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