XF 1.0 Pages

Pages allow you to manage simple content in the node tree. Find out more here:


The node list display could do with some improvements. We have some ideas about that.

The exact look of the auto-generated navigation is a work-in-progress as well. :)
One thing I've noticed is Xenforo.com doesn't use Pages !
Hmmmmm ....
Thoughts as to why anyone ?
Because XenForo.com has hardly any content at this point?

It's probably worth noting that XenForo.com itself is actually running from a branch of XenForo specifically geared to run our site.
i reckon the vast majority of admins are going to want to use pages for some simple static content. any plans to include some sort of an 'easy option' for page creation, for example allowing one to use simple bbcode?
yes i recall that thread. its still a valid question imo. are there any plans to include some sort of a 'page lite' option that will allow use of the rte and forsake template syntax? as is, a large number of admins are going to find pages a pretty underwhelming feature. particularly when code such as em and strong dont seem to work.
its pretty cool :)
Cool, eh ?
Certainly shows some forward thinking.
It's mostly a teaser function ... with less real world functionality ... but points to a bright future.
I feel with a small amount of work ... this could be a real selling feature for Xenforo.
I'm surprised the small amount of work needed to make Pages fly hasn't found it's way into Pages.
Thanks for posting about this, Mike. This is something I'm definitely going to have to play around with and learn about. :)
I can't code for toffee, its quite possibly the most useless thing on xenforo to me. I don't think I will ever use it unless there is some sort of way to make it easier for non-coders (i.e. like wordpress does). Sorry, but I'm just not a coder!
How can I include an html content in page settings into a page template?

For example I have a code:
<xen:require css="account.css" />

<div class="accountSideBar">
        <li class="section">
            <h4 class="heading">Name</h4>
                <li><a class="primaryContent" href="#">Some link</a></li>

<div class="accountContent section sectionMain">
    {xen:raw $contents}
I've copied {xen:raw $contents} hoping it will work but it doesn't.
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