Nodes As Tabs

Nodes As Tabs 1.5.1

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Hey, I am experiencing this error. How did you go about fixing it?

***note that when upgrading there is an expected error on the front-end between the time that you upload the files and import the new XML. This is temporary and expected because a new field was added.

Either your error was temporary and can be ignored, or you didn't upload the new XML in the Admin CP.
Jake Bunce updated Nodes As Tabs with a new update entry:

Recreate the Help tab in XenForo 1.2 using NodesAsTabs

This addon supports tab selection for link-forums. It's a handy feature but I haven't really demonstrated it before.

XenForo 1.2 has removed the Help tab that existed in 1.1 and before. The help pages still exist but they no longer have their own tab. You can recreate that tab as a node using this addon. You would first enable tab selection for link-forums:

Admin CP -> Home -> Nodes As Tabs -> Enable Tab Selection For Link-forums

Then create nodes like this:


Read the rest of this update entry...
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After getting this error, I uninstalled the addon and reinstalled with the new XML and I am still experiencing the error.

That shouldn't be unless there is a version mismatch between the XML and the other files. Or maybe you are confusing two different XenForo installations.

You can manually add the missing column to the nat_options table and then edit/save a forum to rebuild the cache, but that really shouldn't be necessary. We need to find what has gone wrong, and my money is on a version mismatch or some other such confusion.
That shouldn't be unless there is a version mismatch between the XML and the other files. Or maybe you are confusing two different XenForo installations.

You can manually add the missing column to the nat_options table and then edit/save a forum to rebuild the cache, but that really shouldn't be necessary. We need to find what has gone wrong, and my money is on a version mismatch or some other such confusion.

Just re-downloaded and installed:

On a side note, I'll try making it manually.
Thanks for the update, works nice.

May I suggest to add the possibity to show the secondary links below the tabs (not as an pop-up,but in vertical line below the tabs) when you hover over the tabs.
In 1.2 beta 1, I have enablad "unread count" for category "samfund". However, quite often, the alert for category is shown above the normal alert tab instead.

Is it possible to move the 'Forums' tab? I can move page nodes but I'm a bit puzzled on moving the 'Forums' tab, if it is possible.
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