New Search functionality

The built-in, standard XF search will work fine for the majority of people and comes as part of XF. For those with sites that need it, there's the option to buy this and to be honest, if you need this then the price will be an irrelevant fraction of your running costs.
The thing is this... Smaller sites could benefit from the upgraded search function, especially if it's a really big niche. $10 isn't much, but the search functionality should be available to "all." I'm using quotes for all because it benefits them; if a user wants to find a particular subject, it should work. I'm not saying that the search functionality that exists in standard xF license doesn't work, it's just that it sounds like an elite version of an existing product.

Like someone else said; Kier and Mike should price things the way they want, but in my opinion it should be under some circumstances.

Hey, that's just me. My opinion doesn't really matter to anyone. :unsure:
I think that will change once InnoDB FTS matures. Here is a newish blog about it:
As great as they make MySQL fulltext search, it will never be the best tool for the job... and will never perform as well as systems that are designed from the ground up to be a search engine. Fulltext search in MySQL is really there as a convenience, not because they make any sort of claim it can be used on a large scale deployment.

They most definitely can make it better, but there are design limitations of MySQL itself that will prevent it from being better than a purpose designed search engine. It's like using an Excel spreadsheet as a database. Yes... you sort of can do it... you can sort by columns or even filter/search columns... but what happens if you tried to have let's say 50,000,000 rows in your spreadsheet? MySQL is fundamentally designed to be very fast with exact key lookups, not searching for parts of documents.
As great as they make MySQL fulltext search, it will never be the best tool for the job... and will never perform as well as systems that are designed from the ground up to be a search engine. Fulltext search in MySQL is really there as a convenience, not because they make any sort of claim it can be used on a large scale deployment.

They most definitely can make it better, but there are design limitations of MySQL itself that will prevent it from being better than a purpose designed search engine. It's like using an Excel spreadsheet as a database. Yes... you sort of can do it... you can sort by columns or even filter/search columns... but what happens if you tried to have let's say 50,000,000 rows in your spreadsheet? MySQL is fundamentally designed to be very fast with exact key lookups, not searching for parts of documents.
Absolutely, I am not saying that it will ever replace systems designed to be the best at search. I was thinking that ranking/stemming/etc will make their way into the FTS (if using InnoDB) and thus open up "better" search to the masses who cannot have dedicated search systems for whatever reason.
I was happy at first but after I saw the price :( I don't want to be judgemental, so lets see the product first!
Does anyone know if the Recent Activity and 'What's New?' pages are also generated by ElasticSearch?
And would not really serve a major purpose since neither of those searches are keyword based, so they don't hit the fulltext indexes. Same as displaying posts when viewing a thread... Internally you are "searching" for thread_id, but it's not a difficult query for the db server to do.
I was happy at first but after I saw the price :( I don't want to be judgemental, so lets see the product first!

Not sure if you're aware but your sig is hotlinking to your site with an invalid SSL cert and causing a warning to pop up.
To be honest I thought it would be core and free. I'm running a big board and no problem paying for it, still feels strange it isn't core. But maybe I don't get it or something. Maybe it's just a lot of extra work for them and simply not possible for the base price to include.

BTW can anyone explain where I can test it here, because I see no difference in functionality or speed here, or is that supposed to be so? Also in simple not-too-technical words; what's the main difference between normal search and big board search?
BTW can anyone explain where I can test it here, because I see no difference in functionality or speed here

Smaller stopword list.
No minimum word length.
Order by relevance.
Plus more options planned.

It's not that it's a faster search, it's just that it scales for very large installations.

Any forum over 1 million posts will typically have to look at a different search solution to the standard MySQL search. Until now that has usually been Sphinx.
To be honest I thought it would be core and free. I'm running a big board and no problem paying for it, still feels strange it isn't core. But maybe I don't get it or something. Maybe it's just a lot of extra work for them and simply not possible for the base price.

BTW can anyone explain where I can test it here, because I see no difference in functionality or speed here, or is that supposed to be so?
The biggest "function" is that the nasty queries don't need to hit your DB server.

As far as cost, I'd say the cost is so minimal, it's nothing more than an arbitrary barrier to prevent people who don't actually need it from trying to set it up (the ones that don't actually need it are going to be the ones that are going to need the most help setting up the backend requirements for it) and making it *not* a support nightmare for Kier and Mike.
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