Adding a bit of "socialness" to it...


Obviously icon placement can change depending on which ones are used.
Successfully added to UI.X as requested by @Azhria Lilu

-- Persona moved between Avatar and Info. (On other themes, it is giving others issues in the sidebar on the profile page.)
-- The YouTube video is still in the template ad_member_view_below_avatar so that will still be available for use with advertisements.

View attachment 60490

Preview available at

Looks awsome, still no love for his webhost though :cry: hehe, I'm in no rush :barefoot:
Looks awsome, still no love for his webhost though :cry: hehe, I'm in no rush :barefoot:
You don't flutter your eyelashes or pout as well as I do :giggle:

Seriously though, I would totally recommend @Sheldon to anyone who is looking for some unique customisations on their site. . . but you'll have to fight me for him :whistle:
I didn't answer your PM :(

Does that still need an answer?

It's worth noting that any changes you make now may need considerable re-working in XMG 1.3. In fact, the slider format probably means that in 1.3 it won't be possible to do what you're trying to do.
Changed up some of the images, as well as the text. Coming along nicely.

View attachment 60202

The theme is really getting "livened" up, not drab and same ole' same. Going to incorporate these images above into the forum titles on the next go round...
@Sheldon are you following a particular tutorial or could you possible please write a tutorial on how you did the forum nodes looks amazing! Id love to be able to have that on my forum but instead of two nodes per line have it 1 per line.
@Sheldon are you following a particular tutorial or could you possible please write a tutorial on how you did the forum nodes looks amazing! Id love to be able to have that on my forum but instead of two nodes per line have it 1 per line.

No, no tutorial... mostly trial and error. I'd lean towards mostly error though, until I can clean up the code. Haha.
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