Add-on Must I ask? Arcade

What's wrong with the content of the site that users need to be distracted with games?
What's wrong with the content of the site that users need to be distracted with games?

Depends greatly on the site Floris. For a site that has a lot of great articles and interesting content an arcade may not be all that important (if at all). But what about sites geared toward gaming in general? For example I have a small gaming community filled with game servers. People go to my community forum to primarily read announcements and connect with people who they met in the servers. The arcade to them is something fun to do when they are bored and looking to spend time. Can't always think of a engaging topic of discussion 24/7 if that is not your communities sole purpose.
I said Arcade should be a yearly charge.
Kevin said it would be for free.
If Kevin codes an Arcade and wants to share it for free, well, kudos to him for that. But I feel that way of thinking might make the development slower and with less updates. This particular add-on will require a lot of work to be done, and I hope for the coder's own sake that there will be some kind of minimum price tag to it.
To be clear, several of us are willing to assist funding the project to get it off the ground in a significant way..

If the coder wishes to keep the arcade free for normal users that's perfectly fine (or a yearly fee ultimately is fine too). That has nothing to do though with a few of us who would like to help financially on the project, to at least relieve SOME of the burden of putting this together in a usable form. We wanted to lend a hand if we're unable to code it ourselves...

There is also difficulty *requiring* payment for an arcade *system*, as there's been a few times in the past copyright concerns have been discussed. One way around that is offering the system for free (with just a few public domain games) and leave the rest up to whatever others choose to do.
Well, distraction is not how I see an Arcade-installment. It sometimes make people stay longer on your site, making it yet another reason to stick around. If postings are slow for a period they can chill with playing games in the meantime.
Fair enough reason. But I believe this is on a per site
I have people that make a few posts and then hang out playing arcade games. There are some that come primarily for the games yet invite friends who in turn post. To be honest, the arcade add-on could easily be the biggest thing for for with general chat forums and other types over any other add-on. This is of course just my opinion but seems to be born out talking to forum owners that use arcades. They definitely tend to keep certain people around longer.
Before flash games were "Everywhere" on the Internets, I thought the arcade addons were pretty cool.
Now they seem old school.
But for sites that have enjoyed arcades and their members like them, I am not surprised to hear people want them.
Hmmm, once I finish a few clients on my plate, I will undertake this. Just send me a PC with how much you offered. You can add any that have offered payment for this to the PC as well.
So far I have a convo going with Kevin, Edrondol, and DodgeBoard, if anyone else wants added to the PC to discuss this further, I can invite 2 more people to the convo.
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