XF 1.4 More Moderator & Administrator Tools

XenForo 1.4 continues to add tools and enhancements to help your moderators and administrators to manage your users and their content.

Today, we're looking at inline moderation enhancements, 'author alerts', the 'Like' removal tool and the reply ban system.

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Another great HYS video. Have to say, though, Kier, disappointed there was no "Ta daa!" this time :LOL:

hope so 1.4 will be ready for release to end of this year
Judging by most release schedules, you'll probably see 1.4 at some point in August.
Yes, good stuff!!!
Love the author alerts and thread bans.
It would be nice to see forum bans as well. On my site issues often occur with specific users in specific forums.
Anyway thanks!
You would need to ask the developer of the add-on.

XenForo wouldn't develop an importer for a third party add-on.
Looks like someone likes, loves TAZ! :D

Nice new features. The amount of features in these options are very astonishing. The systems in place are robust.
Banning multiple users from a thread is more annoying than banning them from the forum. lol

Fun stuff.

Wonder if other moderators can ban each other from one another's originally created threads?
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