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KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA 2.2

No permission to download
Just paid for the unbranded service but it's not working for guest posting, I get a blank page.

In the XF error log:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Loader::load(): Failed opening required 'KeyCAPTCHA/CLASS.php'
Doesn't work on xF 1.3.
Callback KeyCAPTCHA_KeyCAPTCHA::optionCaptchaRender is invalid (Invalid Class).
Just paid for the unbranded service but it's not working for guest posting, I get a blank page.
In the XF error log:
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Loader::load(): Failed opening required 'KeyCAPTCHA/CLASS.php'
It looks like a typo. May be you have some helper extension, which case such error
I guess you should replace KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS to KeyCAPTCHACLASS in library/KeyCAPTCHA/KeyCAPTCHA.php

Doesn't work on xF 1.3.
Callback KeyCAPTCHA_KeyCAPTCHA::eek:ptionCaptchaRender is invalid (Invalid Class).
Our plugin was tested on xF 1.3beta and it works fine on new xF 1.3
Please open support ticket at and we'll do our best to help you.
I just noticed the contact form verification and lost password isn't working. I'm on XenForo 1.2.5
I'm getting the error message:
Callback KeyCAPTCHA_KeyCAPTCHA::eek:ptionCaptchaRender is invalid (Invalid Class).

I'm using 1.3.0 RC1

Can anyone assist?
Just updated xF from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0, had been running KC 2.2 for a while and it's still working, just verified by registering a test account, work perfect for me!

Stab in the dark, but does KC use java or flash, and if so, do you have both of those installed?

What is your site URL?

nvm I found it on your profile page and KC is showing up for me, both in FF and IE11 - running (KB2929437) version #11.0.9600.17041
Lately the captcha has not been appearing for our users. Anyone else have this issue? What can be done about it?
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