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KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA 2.2

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Dear Members,

If you have any issues with KeyCAPTCHA on your XenForo websites please open support tickets. This is the fastest way to get help from our support team.

Best regards,
More than a month has passed and there are no reports that this is working reliably on 1.1.4 for all browsers.

Is this working yet? Or has it been forgotten?
Has anyone been able to add the KeyCaptcha on a responsive theme? The smallest version of the captcha image is 360px wide, which is too big for iPhone, causing it to break out.


I was wondering if there's a way around this, as KeyCaptcha is a great way to keep spammers out.
Great news!

Next week we will celebrate 3 years of our service. That is why we have a gift to our customers who registered before June 4, 2013.
The gift is a free 3-month usage of a paid KeyCAPTCHA enhancement.
So, what enhancement would you prefer?
1. Magnetic
2. M+
3. Personal

Please post just 1,2 or 3

We will count the results on June 30 and enable the most popular enhancement for our customers for 3 months.
Please note that the same public poll is also posted on other websites where KeyCAPTCHA plugins are published.
And the final result will depend on all public polls.

Best regards,
As of late I am noticing bots being able to bypass this, or maybe they are human, but I am seeing an increased amount of spammers being able to register and post.
1) KeyCaptcha isn't showing on my register page anymore;
2) When I try to login on the website, I get the "incorrect password" notice;
3) When I try to reset the password (or register a new account), I get this:


Any ideas?
1) KeyCaptcha isn't showing on my register page anymore;
2) When I try to login on the website, I get the "incorrect password" notice;
3) When I try to reset the password (or register a new account), I get this:

View attachment 50862

Any ideas?
I got that screen the first couple times I attempted to register. On the third attempt, the image showed up. I guess it just takes some time to load. Would prefer it to be more performant though.
1) KeyCaptcha isn't showing on my register page anymore;
Any ideas?
Hi Acid, did you mean on your forum registration page? If yes, me too. I just realised it one/two days ago, not sure when this issue started. But right before I realised it, I have a member successfully registered. I tried using my phone to see the registration page, keyCaptcha does appear. But I tried again later, it gone. I submitted a ticket to seek for help and apparently awaiting their response. Not sure if it clashes with other of my newly installed addons or merely a keyCaptcha issue. hmm.
Hi Acid, did you mean on your forum registration page? If yes, me too. I just realised it one/two days ago, not sure when this issue started. But right before I realised it, I have a member successfully registered. I tried using my phone to see the registration page, keyCaptcha does appear. But I tried again later, it gone. I submitted a ticket to seek for help and apparently awaiting their response. Not sure if it clashes with other of my newly installed addons or merely a keyCaptcha issue. hmm.
Unfortunately , I get the same thing. It works on 1.2b4 without any add-ons on it, but it probably clashes with some other add-on that most of us are using. I'll try to disable add-ons one by one to get the idea, why that's happening.

Edit: well, it seems that if we enable Honey Pot API, it breaks KeyCaptcha in some way or another. I've just reinstalled KeyCaptcha again and it works now. Just removed it from my add-ons, uploaded the files again (from their website, not from here), and uploaded the XML again. I've also generated a new private key.
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@Moshe1010 i installed keyCaptcha on my testing environment v1.1.5 which I only have ******* - Credits installed (which I already disabled), keyCaptcha doesn't show up. I then go to their website, i find that their demo page is not working too except for the "Personal" and "Free". I use Unbranded version and so coincidentally the Unbranded demo is not showing up. Perhaps the issue is with them.

Edit: keyCaptcha team has responded me via ticket, it was an issue with the server, now should work fine.
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@Moshe1010 i installed keyCaptcha on my testing environment v1.1.5 which I only have ******* - Credits installed (which I already disabled), keyCaptcha doesn't show up. I then go to their website, i find that their demo page is not working too except for the "Personal" and "Free". Perhaps, the issue is with them.
Use this instead:
It's simple and better than KeyCaptcha in my opinion.
Don't forget to apply this fix:

It's still works for me (KeyCaptcha). I'm testing it with XF 1.2b4
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