Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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This is called a stress test....We are stressing the board's functionality, its dev team, and the board's dominance. All brought to you in part by IB.

haha and apparently the other staff members from what I've seen, noticed quite a few mod actions take place today.

Nice work staff members :-)
Someone threatened to sue me once. I spent quite a bit of money I didn't have getting prepared but I felt I was in the right and was ready to go to court.

I finally talked to their lawyer asking what has taken so long, the lawyer told me that he had understood that we had worked out our difference which was completely untrue. I actually think I had a case against them, these business also wanted to own my forum to promote their product.

I know of many cases where lawsuits have been filed for one of these reasons. They don't expect to win but the cost of the lawsuit can financially ruin the other party. The other reason I have seen when they cannot win is to create a delaying action.
Agreed. This won't stand up in UK courts but xenForo shouldn't let their guard down. Let the sale commence.
+1. As someone not a lawyer, it would seem to me that the onus may probably be on IB to make their case.
Thus far it doesn't seem that they have. I don't think IB can enjoin XF, it is the court, (as far as I know, being a not-lawyer), so let them make their case to the court, and if the court thinks XF should stop, then they can stop. Again, just opinion, not legal advice.
Someone threatened to sue me once. I spent quite a bit of money I didn't have getting prepared but I felt I was in the right and was ready to go to court.

I finally talked to their lawyer asking what has taken so long, the lawyer told me that he had understood that we had worked out our difference which was completely untrue. I actually think I had a case against them, these business also wanted to own my forum to promote their product.

I know of many cases where lawsuits have been filed for one of these reasons. They don't expect to win but the cost of the lawsuit can financially ruin the other party. The other reason I have seen when they cannot win is to create a delaying action.

Had a similar situation myself, no fun at all. I am pulling for xenforo bigtime, I am encouraged by what I am seeing here!!!
Well... pretty much away this week doing other things, but seen this. I have to say how disguisted I am in IB towards trying this little stunt... David vs. Goliath mentality. Extremely disappointing in VB / IB.

I will now buy another couple of licenses when on sale, just to give that bit extra to fight this nonsense... even though I don't need them.

Honestly, I hope xenforo establish a donation pool to help fight this corporate BS attitude in an attempt to take out the competition that threatens them considerably.

Stick it up em Kier, Mike and Ashley.
Here is a note to IB I'm sure they are reading this thread :

People are running away from you because of your half baked VB4. I paid $280 and I feel cheated

Before looking this way and abuse the legal system take a verrrryyyy good look in the mirror, offer a good product with good support and people will flock to your store again. Simple Formula : FREE MARKET
If I had the money to do it, I'd buy 10,000 licenses tomorrow, and give them all to vb owners
I certainly would be able to use one or two .. haha.
10,000 x 100 = 1,000,000. I'm sure kier, mike, and ashley wouldn't mind that too much... haha.
Is there a mailing list to get on, so I can find out when I can buy a license? These hi-jinx by Internet Brands almost have me ready to buy one more than I need, just to support the cause.
The beta, during which you can buy a license, is intended to start in a few hours from now.
... which I intend to stay up maybe another hour to make sure I don't miss anything. 2 AM Central doesn't sound too bad... for a internet nerd. Hahaha.
Is there a mailing list to get on, so I can find out when I can buy a license? These hi-jinx by Internet Brands almost have me ready to buy one more than I need, just to support the cause.
Personally I would not spend time staring at a clock. The sale is 24 hours long. The official wording:

"As many of you are no doubt aware, the spectre of unforseen circumstances has raised its ugly head.

While this has distracted us from our preparation today and may result in some delay, it is our intention to proceed with tomorrow's release of XenForo 1.0 Beta 1."
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