Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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Welcome to Xenforo my friend, by your post I can tell once you play around with this here you will see that xenforo is as powerful as it is lightweight and that leaves plenty of load on your server to add your customizations. Things are still to come as we're still under beta here but...there is a suggestions section and they are listening to the customers so have a peak in there and see if any of your ideas have already been suggested, if they havn't make yourself one. I'll look for yah. :)

Welcome from everyone here.

First of all, thank you for the welcome :) I had a look at the suggestion sections just now, and one I'm currently looking at is the WordPress integration, as that would be something I'd want for another site or two that I have planned. Admittedly though, I doubt I'd be able to afford more than one licence at present, but I'm certainly considering what uses I could have for the forum software; my main priority however would be having a new forum and features up and running for my site currently running on vB. One feature that I've noticed is the "post like" feature, which is in a way a wish fulfillment, because it would realistically replace the "post thanks" I currently have in place at my vBulletin forum. The fact this feature is integrated now means quite a lot because it's one less thing I need to look for, though I'll check out the other suggestions to see if I agree with anything else that's been suggested :)

I certainly am looking forward to playing with the coding aspect, as it would help me to get back into coding and learning PHP as well. I might actually be able to convince some of my friends to come here as well, or rather at least one of my friends who develops stuff for forums; I'm fairly certain that he'd like what he sees as well.

That's a thought actually... I'm not sure that this is the right place to ask, but will there be discounts for buying in bulk? Because if they are, I can look at more seriously implmenting stuff using XF... although admittedly, I think I need to locate some old forum DBs as well >.>
It was quite a shock when I read about the lawsuite.

Main question is: Is it true?
If not, then XenForo has nothing to fear.
But if what they claim is true, then XenForo has a huge problem.

Time will tell.
I definitly hope that this will be resolved soon, and XenForo can push forward to replace vb on my website.

My biggest concern is that the XenForo team might be distracted and hurt financially defending themselves even if they win.

I do want XenForo to succeed and hope them make it through this. If for some reason XenForo is brought down I will be very sad but if it does, I will be looking at moving to IPB.
Well even if Ib wins some way.. XF isn't going to go down. There will always be loop holes to get through...

BTW this case will take awhile. So By the time we even hear a verdict, XF 2.0-3.0 will be out by then. So enjoy the ride, we have a long way to go!
That's a thought actually... I'm not sure that this is the right place to ask, but will there be discounts for buying in bulk? Because if they are, I can look at more seriously implmenting stuff using XF... although admittedly, I think I need to locate some old forum DBs as well >.>

I did see something mentioned about this bet...shot Kier Mike or Ashley about a possible bulk rate...I don't recall if there was an official posting on this.
This is a perfect example of how, even if you have a point, you lose it in front of your customers and potential customers. Even if IB has "something" that they know about XF code (how could they) or even if they have valid reasons from their side to take actions against XF, making a public announcement like this, and making it one day before XF goes on sale, just makes them lose more points. It's as simple as that.
I did see something mentioned about this bet...shot Kier Mike or Ashley about a possible bulk rate...I don't recall if there was an official posting on this.

Thanks :) I'm not quite ready for such a commitment yet, but I might consider waiting till I have started to get a feel for the software and have gotten my own copy before I start looking at buying more. Funny thing is, this is the first time I've ever actually posted actively in a a forum related to forum software, and it's likely I'll keep posting here. I also noticed that there's a trophy system as well... that's another good thing I can tick off my list! At the rate things are going, I won't need to worry about finding too many add-ons to transfer stuff over!
I will buy a Xenforo licence. I wasn't going to buy one for a while and I probably won't use it short term but these guys need the support to get through any potential legal proceedings and I will do my part in ensuring this product continues on.

From a VB customer who has several VB licences and still feels royally screwed by the VB4 presale.
Even when you leave a company, normally you sign a contract that says that you will not work for a competing company or that you will disclose confidential information. By signing that contact, they will give you a little bonus or continual benefits. Signing it is voluntary, but many former employees do it anyways.
I know that. Its just that Kier Darby knows full well what he was getting himself into when he left JelSoft, and built his new venture from the ground up: xenForo.
Hey Jarod did you somehow see the code that's not even released yet to come to your conclusions? or do you own the rights to legacy postbits.
Thanks :) I'm not quite ready for such a commitment yet, but I might consider waiting till I have started to get a feel for the software and have gotten my own copy before I start looking at buying more. Funny thing is, this is the first time I've ever actually posted actively in a a forum related to forum software, and it's likely I'll keep posting here. I also noticed that there's a trophy system as well... that's another good thing I can tick off my list! At the rate things are going, I won't need to worry about finding too many add-ons to transfer stuff over!
Yes this is quite a addictive place...might need to invent a drug called forodone to ween your self off so you can get to things such as meals and normal daily activity :-) I too never posted much when I was at vb...mostly since one of my first posts basically had people calling me stupid for pre-ordering 4.0, irony would have it that they were right to a degree. I came here and I saw my dead dream resuscitated and somehow ended up with hundreds of posts and a loss of sleep. All worth it.
Thank you I have more where that came from (and have been failing at building it myself :-) ) just need a bit more time to finalize my layout, i am working on the acp side of it right now as far as the mockups go...I will start a new proper thread for it when I get another image or two or at least enough lets say so that the idea is properly conveyed in one fluid post. It's kinda buried where it is lol.
Based on what I've read here I think there may be some staff departure announcements at IB/VB before too long.
Not saying it will do any good... Maybe it will. For me that issue is moot.
I'll be surprised if the link I've posted here stays live or at least doesn't get
intensely pruned.

from that thread:
Floris said:
This is why we can't have nice things!

big LOL! Wish they had a 'like' over there....
Yes this is quite a addictive place...might need to invent a drug called forodone to ween your self off so you can get to things such as meals and normal daily activity :) I too never posted much when I was at vb...mostly since one of my first posts basically had people calling me stupid for pre-ordering 4.0, irony would have it that they were right to a degree. I came here and I saw my dead dream resuscitated and somehow ended up with hundreds of posts and a loss of sleep. All worth it.

I really only got vBulletin 4 (which ironically I don't have many regrets with - I too pre-rordered it) because the CMS, blog functions and galleries (along with the extensive mods/plugins and themes) were what I needed for my site. Admittedly though, with XF, I get the feeling that I could eventually make my own and customise things the way I want, which would be great! Either way though, I think when I can finally afford a copy of XF, I'll be able to almost completely transfer everything on my vB install the the new one, which will be great! Unfortunately, I don't envisage being able to purchase a new copy till next year.
I called this on my first day here.
I knew that IB would say that it was basically impossible for Kier and Mike to have developed a state of the art brand new forum system in the short time since they parted ways with IB.
Personally i could give two ****s about the so called moral or ethical implications of such a thing, as morality is relative and ethics are subjective to even the types who believe themselves to the of the highest moral and ethical fiber.
The legal implications are another matter altogether, as it may be a factor in the future of XenForo.
Which im sure was the purpose of this lawsuit, as well as the timing.

Internet Brands could be 100% lying in their lawsuit, knowingly lying and expecting to lose... and it would STILL be a smart decision for them to sue.
It sows the seed of doubt in peoples minds, some perspective customers may not buy, just in case they spend their money on software that might be discontinued for legal reasons.
It also might give them a big push in terms of customer support and goodwill. To us that sounds ridiculous at first glance, but to people who are already on "Team vB" and against XenForo, well it only cements their beliefs.
People get too fanboyish about this kind of stuff, and quickly draw lines in the sand. Internet Brands just BOLD tags around that line... which will go along ways towards rallying their base against XenForo.
And what some might not realize is that now this gives them a reasonable reason as to completely censor all XenForo talk on their sites.
You think they have been enjoying all this XenForo talk over there? Course not.
They just did not want to risk coming off as "that type of company"... the type that deletes/bans threads/users who talk about the competition in a favorable light.
Now they are "legally obligated" not to allow talk of a product that is owned by a company which they are involved in a lawsuit with.

Very smart on their part. No matter the outcome, proof, or truth... suing XenForo was something Internet Brands almost had to do.
To be honest with what I've read around here...someone is going to have some kind of cms solution for XF whether it's the company or the community I think that's one of those wishes that may get filled sooner than far as getting your hands on a copy...who knows...the holidays are right around the corner. ;-)
1000 posts in less than a day.

This might end up beating the "A long thread to allow us to play with the pagenav animation..." thread.
I agree with your post... it's a very clever thing to do, but I think those who were either neutral towards IB, or had their doubts about them will be polarised towards going over to the "dark side", as IB are undoubtedly painting XF as.
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