Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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Dont understand real the accouncement, my english not the best, so a simple yes or no for if start Release today is enough.

No, there hasn't been any new update besides the one posted. If there is one, it will be posted there though. As is, we are still on for today.
Sure, you will get a lot of people who are about our age, people with longtime admin experience, and maybe folks with a decent education to see through IB's tactics.
Guess what though, IB is ok with losing your business.
They are more focused on the hordes of younger people who come to their site looking to buy vBulletin.
That is what they want to protect. They want kids who dont know what they are doing, who will buy the license for their little forum that never attracts any members.
They dont care about what people read on Admin Addicts or what have you, their core demographic is people who have never visited any of those Admin sites.
They can sell a crapload of those licenses and laugh all the way to the bank, they wont care about losing some old timers like us.
That is the corporate paradigm they operate under.
At the end of the day the "moral" argument is moot, this is a business decision for them.
And making sure that there is no active and embarrassing XenForo discussion/advertisement on their sites is a big deal.

I can agree to your statements here from a purely total business perspective, and yes they are big enough that no single site is of relevance to their operations. However word is getting out via the social networks that IB "suck" over their actions. As stated somewhere else on these forums, sorry can't remember which link, Xen is getting a huge boast and I would imagine IPS will see a surge, just as they got when vB4 alienated a whole bunch of people. End of day one of the worse mistakes in business you can make is getting a competitors name into the public domain, IB have managed to do that.
New posts in the IB vs. XF thread here since I last checked? 20 pages
New posts in the IB vs. XF thread on since I last checked at the same time? 10 pages.

Umm when i read this whole thing saying Kier got a bonus and all, I see the words Blackmail written all over it.
IB is obviously seriously scared.

Very unlikely to ever get to court. No judge could rule on it - too specialised.
Anyway KMA are too savvy to have copied VB code. It's obvious from many many statements that XF is different - it has been said that coders wanting to do mods will have to learn a whole new way of designing.
What similarities there are will be basic unavoidable ones just because both are forums - having 'threads' for example. A comparison with other leading boards will easily establish that.

What a dirty cowardly company IB is.
I don't think they are behaving this way because they are a corporation, I think they are behaving this way because they are incompetent.

And if the moral argument was moot, then they would just stop the XF discussion when it started. They didn't need to go to all of this trouble to remove some threads or posts, particularly if as you say, they care not for their veteran and savvy users.
I should have put more emphasis on this being the corporate paradigm that THEY operate under.
If you have been following vBulletin from its sale to IB all the way to today... this corporate style should already be evident to you. From the change in pricing scheme, the forcing people to buy the software unseen or else lose their upgrade rights, the CMS being a disaster, forum looking nothing like it was promised by Kiers screen shots, the whole thing being broken, the ****ty support, selling an Alpha product as Gold, etc...
So i was kinda speaking in a way that i thought people familiar with the situation would already understand. I do that sometimes.

Anyhow, we know that their way of doing things is what has cocked up vBulletin.
Its become about maximizing profits for a quarterly statement regardless of user satisfaction or overall success of a particular product line.
Its about shareholders, stock price, company valuation and making their numbers look good for whatever big corporate whatever that they have planned next.

Stopping XF discussion at its inception makes them look reactive and shallow, which is what they have become as a company.
They dont want to show who they really are, they want you to think they are something else.
Therefore now they get to hide behind the law. They can continue to be shallow while wrapping themselves in the flag of the "rule of law".

Its a front, but one corporations that have backed themselves into this type of situation will default to.
Ruven, this may be true in the pre Internet times - but in the longtime this will hurt them. Words are spreading fast nowadays and vBulletin lived on it's reputation.
Oh im not trying to imply that i agree with what IB is doing because its a good thing.
No, its that what they are doing is what they sorta have to do at this point... what else are they going to do, wish Kier and Mike goodluck on their future endeavors.... oh wait.

IB is not a pre internet company. Its very much an internet company, more than most... look at its history.
That does not stop it from having people within it that still hold to old ways of thinking.

Of course its going to hurt them, but we kind of all already think that IB is going to be hurting vBulletin-wise anyway, right? Or else we wouldnt be here. We would still be at vBulletin praising their latest "we are going to fix things next patch, promise" post.
This action by IB has further lowered my opinion for this awful awful company. I am so glad that I sold my vBulletin license and would suggest that others do the same.
How can they claim that xenForo is a copy of vBulletin, surely code is code, I write programs and most of the code involved is used again and again by different programmers, after all its just a programming language, there are only so many ways code can be written.
I think IB are clutching at straws now, they purchased vBulletin and through extremely bad management have run it into the ground and lost a massive market share, now they are sour and looking to blame someone else for their short comings.
52 pages! omg. do we have a response from kier, mike or ashley?
They can't really comment yet. I'm sure they will be advised by their lawyers not to speak out on the issue. Anything they do write might be used as evidence. So it's best to leave the talking to the lawyers.

Of course that is, assuming that IB will actually sue.
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