IB hotlinking my site

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Now if there was only away to allow X domain to hotlink, but deny everyone else.
You can. :) Just use the bit of code posted by Anthony Parsons above.

For example, here is the bit of code I've been using on my sites for years...
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.*\.)?MySiteA.com(/)?.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.*\.)?MySiteB.com(/)?.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.*\.)?MySiteC.com(/)?.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(bmp|BMP|gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|png|PNG)$ http://www.coolscifi.com/redirected.image [R,L]

The entries for MySiteA.com, MySiteB.com, and MySiteC.com are the whitelisted sites that can hotlink; everybody else will be redirected to http://www.coolscifi.com/redirected.image which is an image with my site name. Just keep adding more MySiteX.com entries for each site that you want to allow hotlinking from.
They're lucky they didn't do this to my site.... I'm one twisted individual.... I would have figured away to re-direct traffic to me or uploaded images with volubility code in them.

Not much they could do as they would have done it to themselves.
They're lucky they didn't do this to my site.... I'm one twisted individual.... I would have figured away to re-direct traffic to me or uploaded images with volubility code in them.

not a good advise, you will get into much bigger problems than IB with it's hotlinking. Especially when you add code or use pics that are explicitly aiming against the other person/company. A simple 'buy xenforo' pic like seen here can be fully enough on the wrong page (=competitor), luckily for the threadstarter it wasn't vb.com itself.
for some bizarre reason they are hotlinking my smilies.

Did you happen to take a screenshot of all the smilies they link from? Which smilies were they linking? kiers original variations, the current smilies or custom smilies you uploaded?
they were actually my old vb smilies & not the default ones. just assorted ones I uploaded to the old site.
Have you tried formally complaining? It'd be very interesting to see what their rationale for such an immoral move was.
Very entertaining, good work on changing the hotlinked images. It baffles me how they could have done something so daft as that in the first place though.
they were actually my old vb smilies & not the default ones. just assorted ones I uploaded to the old site.

I see thanks for replying because I was thinking theres only 35 xf smilies available and the only way 70 xf smilies would have been linked was if they were using the extended pack which would have meant my test board being compromised which have over 100 xf themed smilies. Anyway, since they are custom that explains the smiley count.
Presumably before you did this you got XenForo's permission to use their logo/brand/name with that choice of wording?
You UK guys really get your panties twisted over fair use, don't you?

It was a funny prank - stop worrying yourselves with legal ramifications. There are none.

(Meant in a funny, jabbing way. Not in a mean way. Wasn't sure how it would be taken after I re-read it.)
At your service :)

technologically.net said:
one of Internet Brands sites, classadrivers.com, was using Xenforo smilies and was even hotlinking to them! When the owner of the site noticed it,

From what I read in your article and judging by the response from the OP they linked from custom smilies and Not xenforo smilies.

they were actually my old vb smilies & not the default ones. just assorted ones I uploaded to the old site.
How long has IB owned this site? Is it possible the previous owner set up the hotlinking and IB just didnt notice it?
While I do agree this is pretty funny, I think it's probably as Joey described above and due to the previous owner. As much as we all like to bash IB, they are a pretty big company with more important things to do than this...things like this are usually done by juveniles and not Fortune 500 companies. ;)
not a good advise, you will get into much bigger problems than IB with it's hotlinking. Especially when you add code or use pics that are explicitly aiming against the other person/company. A simple 'buy xenforo' pic like seen here can be fully enough on the wrong page (=competitor), luckily for the threadstarter it wasn't vb.com itself.
No it would not be an issue for me.

What you host on your own server is your own right. You can not help it if someone is foolish enough to link it into their own site (stealing). And if worse comes to worse, you could always claim someone else breached your site (and logs would reflect that ;) ).
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