Forum Software Timeline 1994 - 2011

Heh, I notice IBP won the 2010 award for best commercial software
And VB ranks third in customer ratings (XF being first, IPB second)
VB's rating page - 52% (175 votes) voted it as being "Unusable and Inefficient"
That's correct, but I see InvisionFree and ZetaBoards in the chart too, of which both are not just forum hosters, but forum softwares as well. So if InvisionFree & ZetaBoards are on the chart, I think it's fair that Jcink should be listed on there too.

BTW InvisionFree is also a modified version of IPB 1.3.
These types of threads are laughable to be honest....
Nobody can say a certain forum script is THE BEST , until they have used every available script and that is just about an impossible scenario. People should say " Its the best THEY have used to date "

My take on it is...
XF is a great script , with some short comings that should and most likely will be addressed in time....

vBulletin , the least said the better IMHO.

FussionBB.. my personal fav forum script only let down by its lack of a following by dedicated members. No following to create skins or hacks.. Had Kier & Mike been involved in its development and creation no doubt it would have a massive following with loads of skins, hacks and addons. Ir does come with a CMS & Blog built in as standard. Down side is its a pain to setup in AdminCP...

My 2 cents worth..

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