Forum Software Timeline 1994 - 2011

I dont see how Burning Board can be winning...

I have NEVER, EVER run into a forum that runs Burning Board. Until these polls started happening, I had never even heard of them. In fact, since then I've even SEARCHED for websites running Burning Board and still can't find anything. If I search in google, all I can find are articles on burning board exploits and sql injection vulnerabilities... or, scripts on how to convert other forum software to and from Burning Board.
Burning Board is (or was) *very* popular in German speaking countries but has little relevance elsewhere.

I think, it's still the #1 for small to medium sized forums in the German speaking part of the world. It's a decent piece of software that once tried to resemble vBulletin's features and feel, but the current version looks and feels a bit outdated and is basically stuck in the vB3 age.

They also offer a free version ("Burning board lite") which is quite good for a free script.
Burning Board is (or was) *very* popular in German speaking countries but has little relevance elsewhere.

I think, it's still the #1 for small to medium sized forums in the German speaking part of the world. It's a decent piece of software that once tried to resemble vBulletin's features and feel, but the current version looks and feels a bit outdated and is basically stuck in the vB3 age.

They also offer a free version ("Burning board lite") which is quite good for a free script.
Burning Board has nearly no English community now, as Woltlab alienated the UK community (WBBMods).

I prefer WBB2 over the new version as well, its just a hassle to deal with anything on the new one, and just feels slow and bloated.
I started OptiBoard in March 1995, using Matt Wright's WWWBoard script. I suspect OptiBoard is one of the longest running forums around.

I started off with free hosted solutions in 95/96 and them moved on to WWWBoard in 1998. I then switched to another forum before switching to VB in 2001. The archives from 1998 - 2001 are still online...
I started off with free hosted solutions in 95/96 and them moved on to WWWBoard in 1998. I then switched to another forum before switching to VB in 2001. The archives from 1998 - 2001 are still online...

I started OptiBoard in March 1995, using Matt Wright's WWWBoard script. I suspect OptiBoard is one of the longest running forums around.
when is the best year you had, in term of users contribution?
Burning Board is (or was) *very* popular in German speaking countries but has little relevance elsewhere.
I'm sorry, but there were some relevance as there were some english-speaking customers. I ran an Xbox website with a friend of mine back in 2002, the forums were powered by Burning Board. I would know how Burning Board felt. So, your next quote is true:
SilverCircle said:
I think, it's still the #1 for small to medium sized forums in the German speaking part of the world. It's a decent piece of software that once tried to resemble vBulletin's features and feel, but the current version looks and feels a bit outdated and is basically stuck in the vB3 age.
Where's GT Forum - anyone remember that one? from Gossamer-Threads?

I ran that for a while.. I ran their other script Gossamer Links I has to move away though as it just didn't cut it for me. Great service, and Great products, but slow development.

Best Commercial Forum
  • 2007 - vb3
  • 2008 - vb3
  • 2009 - vb4
  • 2010 - IPB3
  • 2011 - ? (maybe XF1.1!)

Seems like more of a popularity contest that a true technical analysis of what is "best". Does XF have the numbers to win a popularity contest? Probably not. But if they have Technical folks who review the code, the XF has what it takes to dethrone prior kings and establish its own forum dynasty.
I used UBB way back. In 2000 or so I started writing my own PHP-based forum. Then I got bored, and eXcaliboard never saw the light of day. For a long time, I was a vBulletin fanboy, and it was my default recommendation as the best of the lot. Those days are gone.
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