XF 2.3 Featuring content

While the first few 'Have you seen...?' posts for XenForo 2.3 have focused on mostly aesthetic or performance changes, today we are taking the opportunity to talk about one of the first new major pieces of functionality we've been working on. Every release cycle we like to focus on at least one significant feature related to content discovery and 2.3 is no different with the introduction of what we are calling Featured content.

"But wait, don't we already have featured resources?"

Indeed we do but the ability to feature resources is now joined by threads, media items, and practically any content type you fine developers out there add support for or, naturally, content types we may add ourselves in the future.

Let's take a look at the process of featuring a thread!

The first question I expect some of you will have is "am I able to automatically feature threads?". And the answer is, yes! When editing any forum, under the "Advanced options" for each forum, there is now a new checkbox that enables you to do just that:


If you have a forum that acts somewhat as a latest news/article style forum, having the ability to automatically feature all threads created in that forum will enable you to more easily showcase important threads to your members.

Similar settings can be found in resource categories and media categories:



You can, of course, be much more selective about which content you would like to feature. But, first, let's look at the permissions surrounding that.


As you might expect, these permissions can be granted on a per-node/category basis as well, allowing you to delegate the featuring permissions to any moderator in control of any forum.

When a moderator is granted permission to feature content, they will find the link to do that typically in the "More options..." menu along with other moderation related options:


You will then be presented with a confirmation overlay. At this point, featuring the content really is as simple as clicking "Feature":


But, before it is featured, you might want to make a few changes. Clicking "Customize" will expand the overlay to reveal a few more options:


While these options are automatically inferred from the content when featuring by default, you can, if you wish, choose a different title, a custom snippet and even upload a custom cover image for the featured item.

If you need to make changes to any of these settings at any time, you can do so by following the same process as when you added the featured content, this time by clicking the "Manage feature" option in the "More options..." menu.

From here you can modify the title, snippet or feature image at any time. You can, of course, also unfeature the content too.


Content is ordered by the date each item was featured. In order to fine tune the ordering, you can simply modify the featured date.

In terms of displaying featured content, there is a number of options available. The most prevalent and default view of featured content is via a new tab on the "What's new" pages.


This is formatted very similarly to the "preview" style of the article forums, displaying a prominent title and image.

The list can also be filtered by specific content types:


The other methods of displaying featured content is, of course, done via widgets. So let's take a look at the new "Featured content" widget:


When adding a widget in the usual way, these are the options you are presented with. Pictured above are the typical settings for displaying featured resources in a carousel as we do in XFRM 2.2 on the resource overview page.

The options surrounding "context" here mean that widgets can use page context that is available in some widget positions in order to filter the results. For example, if you add the widget to a forum or thread related widget position, with the context options enabled in the widget you will only see featured threads in that specific forum.

The display styles should be very familiar at this point as they mirror similar settings for other widgets. But here's a visual overview:


Perfect for smaller spaces, such as sidebars:



Best suited for wider spaces, and would be perfect for use on a page node or similar to make your own portal style page:



This is display which is best used to showcase a number of items of content in a relatively small space, it automatically cycles through the content making it a little more visually striking:


That's all for this week! Please tell us below how you'll be using Featured content when you upgrade to XenForo 2.3 in the near future.

Unfortunately, there's no tl;dr video this week due to a little bit of an incident at @Kier HQ.

Stay tuned for next week where we'll be showcasing even more new functionality coming soon in XenForo 2.3.
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Shame that I still see what seems to be the same old What's New page though with divided content behind tabs :\ I was really hoping for a revamped page.
Yes a unified what's new is desperately needed. Sad to see it isn't there yet. (Maybe turned off for the featured threads demo not to give it away? 🤞🤞)

"There isn't." would have been sufficient to confirm no changes. Not sure why you feel a need for snarky answers.
I read no snark in his response.

I've been hoping for a Trending page, widget, or tab. On a really busy forum, there is too much activity for simply viewing newest threads and posts. A native Trending list works a little better in that context. (I think I've had an open suggestion for it.)
What makes a post "trending"?
What makes a post "trending"?

For example a thread (not a post) becomes trending for an hour if it is with a higher number of new posts per hour than some number in settings.

There are quite a few criteria we could use. Views, reactions, and/or replies within a given time, how recent a thread was created, etc. The addon I used was OK but never allowed much tweaking. It also could not limit the number of threads featured as Trending per forum, in a sidebar widget. If there is one main, busy forum, the rest are pushed away, where us admins would like to boost up content of the lesser forums. I ended up having to create half a dozen Trending widgets to feature three threads per forum, to get around that limitation.

Most sites, even major ones, have Trending features. Which is why I have felt for years XF should have it, with configuration options to fit our individual traffic levels. But again, I believe there may already be a request in the Suggestions forum for this.
I use the Themehouse one which is free.

I want as few addons as possible and choose ones which add significantly useful functionality. I have over 90 on AVForums.
When designing addons (as I have), you have to anticipate the functionality needed and then use judgement to select the specific features to add and omit. Over time people might suggest something useful to add and you make a decision whether or not to add it. You don’t want bloated addons, but you definitely do want the functionality that significantly expands the usefulness.
If this new Featured Content doesn’t automatically expire, I will either have to continue using this free addon from Themehouse or commission a new one to extend the core functionality. Either way, I’m using an extra addon.

If I were the XF team and I was looking at what features to add to the core, I’d start with the most popular addons and investigate whether it’s practical and feasible to add each one. When I’ve identified one to add, I’d look at the features and then cherry pick.
I might also do some research and ask users which features they do and don’t use.
And I might announce the new features in a have you seen article and then consider the feedback.
I don’t think its features are set in stone, yet.
Right. As much as I love the new feature - big applause! - I'm not keen on the design philosophy of always leaving it to 3rd party devs to add functionality that you have to know would be very useful to a lot of site owners and admins. If some people don't need or want that added functionality, okay, but you'd still have it as a feather in the cap to compare to the competition, and of course a lot of people would use it - probably quite a few who didn't originally think they wanted or needed it would find a use for it. I think they said something about maybe fleshing it out up the road, but they don't have a great track record for that. Pages, tags, prefixes, etc,. have never gone beyond their original basic functionality (as best I can recall offhand). I'll be happy, though, to have them make me eat crow on that last point with any of the coming announcements. :p
Is it possible to all the featured contents in a page with pagination.
Smiliar to a board.

Nice feature, have been looking for this for sometime now.
Forever unless you unfeature.

Being able to set a feature time expiry like @Paul B 's addon had would be really useful. Otherwise you end up with a lot of content that needs to manually be unfeatured by staff. We need easier administration. Not more manual work. As I am lazy I would simply not automatically feature anything in order to avoid that work.

Automatic unfeature / scheduled unfeature? Hopefully that's on the cards.

I'd LOVE to see a way to use criteria to feature and unfeature. Maybe, for example, site staff announcements where it features it for a week then unfeatures it, or something, automatically. YES. Having custom criteria for featuring and unfeaturing, including automatic unfeaturing, would be so nice. Please. Having it native instead of an add-on to an official feature would certainly be nice.

Couldn't agree more strongly. An automatic featuring functionality without criteria and automatic unfeature, is like buying a new car without cruise control. Sure it will get you from A to B, but the effort makes you exhausted and feeling like you've been ripped off.

I might use this Feature Content feature, although in my case I have been working at doing the same with a combination of a "search forum" and specific thread prefixes we already use regularly, which would make our features automatic. The only thing I don't have is a way to display a search forum with the "preview" style available in article forums, so this with its extra features as a widget might be more attractive for what we need.

Question--will there be some sort of checkbox when creating a thread where thread/article creators can select to feature the content?

Also, a slight discrepancy (not related to a stunt double, alas):

View attachment 291970

Which renders:

View attachment 291971

Hopefully a fix for this is in the works. One reason I've held off using the article preview in thread listings is due to the preview not rendering line breaks, BBCode, etc., as the results look a proper mess or at best, nonsensical on the finished page (such as when writing a title of a work in italics, highlighting a link, or otherwise separating content which should not be run together). I think one of us has had a suggestion open for this issue. Or at the very least, some minor modification we can make in CSS/LESS or a template edit to fix it would help us.
This has been suggested before and for whatever reason keeps getting ignored.
This has been suggested before and for whatever reason keeps getting ignored.
I haven't had time to "fix" it myself either, but I need to. It's holding up one of my projects at the moment. It is probably not that difficult to fix, though--I just have to find the secret sauce to make it happen.
View attachment 291962 While the first few 'Have you seen...?' posts for XenForo 2.3 have focused on mostly aesthetic or performance changes, today we are taking the opportunity to talk about one of the first new major pieces of functionality we've been working on. Every release cycle we like to focus on at least one significant feature related to content discovery and 2.3 is no different with the introduction of what we are calling Featured content.

"But wait, don't we already have featured resources?"

Indeed we do but the ability to feature resources is now joined by threads, media items, and practically any content type you fine developers out there add support for or, naturally, content types we may add ourselves in the future.

Let's take a look at the process of featuring a thread!

The first question I expect some of you will have is "am I able to automatically feature threads?". And the answer is, yes! When editing any forum, under the "Advanced options" for each forum, there is now a new checkbox that enables you to do just that:

View attachment 291949

If you have a forum that acts somewhat as a latest news/article style forum, having the ability to automatically feature all threads created in that forum will enable you to more easily showcase important threads to your members.

Similar settings can be found in resource categories and media categories:

View attachment 291950
View attachment 291951

You can, of course, be much more selective about which content you would like to feature. But, first, let's look at the permissions surrounding that.

View attachment 291952

As you might expect, these permissions can be granted on a per-node/category basis as well, allowing you to delegate the featuring permissions to any moderator in control of any forum.

When a moderator is granted permission to feature content, they will find the link to do that typically in the "More options..." menu along with other moderation related options:

View attachment 291953

You will then be presented with a confirmation overlay. At this point, featuring the content really is as simple as clicking "Feature":

View attachment 291954

But, before it is featured, you might want to make a few changes. Clicking "Customize" will expand the overlay to reveal a few more options:

View attachment 291955

While these options are automatically inferred from the content when featuring by default, you can, if you wish, choose a different title, a custom snippet and even upload a custom cover image for the featured item.

If you need to make changes to any of these settings at any time, you can do so by following the same process as when you added the featured content, this time by clicking the "Manage feature" option in the "More options..." menu.

From here you can modify the title, snippet or feature image at any time. You can, of course, also unfeature the content too.

View attachment 291956

Content is ordered by the date each item was featured. In order to fine tune the ordering, you can simply modify the featured date.

In terms of displaying featured content, there is a number of options available. The most prevalent and default view of featured content is via a new tab on the "What's new" pages.

View attachment 291957

This is formatted very similarly to the "preview" style of the article forums, displaying a prominent title and image.

The list can also be filtered by specific content types:

View attachment 291958

The other methods of displaying featured content is, of course, done via widgets. So let's take a look at the new "Featured content" widget:

View attachment 291959

When adding a widget in the usual way, these are the options you are presented with. Pictured above are the typical settings for displaying featured resources in a carousel as we do in XFRM 2.2 on the resource overview page.

The options surrounding "context" here mean that widgets can use page context that is available in some widget positions in order to filter the results. For example, if you add the widget to a forum or thread related widget position, with the context options enabled in the widget you will only see featured threads in that specific forum.

The display styles should be very familiar at this point as they mirror similar settings for other widgets. But here's a visual overview:


Perfect for smaller spaces, such as sidebars:

View attachment 291961


Best suited for wider spaces, and would be perfect for use on a page node or similar to make your own portal style page:

View attachment 291960


This is display which is best used to showcase a number of items of content in a relatively small space, it automatically cycles through the content making it a little more visually striking:

View attachment 291962

That's all for this week! Please tell us below how you'll be using Featured content when you upgrade to XenForo 2.3 in the near future.

Unfortunately, there's no tl;dr video this week due to a little bit of an incident at @Kier HQ.

Stay tuned for next week where we'll be showcasing even more new functionality coming soon in XenForo 2.3.
🙂Tbh, I think this is a fantastic idea!
Well done!
Okay, I'll wait until version 3.0 and the creator who transferred me from invision to xenforo has my word. At the moment I am not convinced by this view, I think the polishing would have to be deeper, I don't know, I say it from my point of view. I never get filled with enthusiasm, but the facts do when the effort is complex.
If the last HYS video does not include @Kier playing his keyboard while singing than 2.3 will be a disappointment. There is no reason to include them in the videos and not actually use them.
If the last HYS video does not include @Kier playing his keyboard while singing than 2.3 will be a disappointment. There is no reason to include them in the videos and not actually use them.
He's just had a lightning strike at his home. Probably won't be a HYS video for a while.
He's just had a lightning strike at his home. Probably won't be a HYS video for a while.
If he uses a intermediary for his insurance it can be dealt with really quickly.

I had 3 broken ports on my switch because my son thought it was wise to put a knife in a live toaster🤐
Cut the power, switch half dead.

Got a new one within a week😉
Looks good, will there be an option in the Featured Content widget to display the featured image in the list of featured items in the Standard or Carousel views ?
I have two questions about this feature. Will Featured Content be selectable in Search Forums/Batch Update Threads? (Perhaps down by the is a sticky/is not a sticky section?)

And can we add it as a "section" to Activity Summary? (Or as a variable in the existing Latest Threads section, app sections, etc?)

It wasn't clear if this will be available, and if not, I would like to add the suggestions, so checking before posting. Thanks!
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