Donations for Shawns coffee pot...

Yeah, I did it myself, although to be honest, it doesn't look like much, but there's actually a lot to it besides just the obvious (colors)... it uses all CSS gradients for example (no image gradients), avatars are retina quality for all browsers, icons are retina quality for all browsers except Firefox (damn FF)... so graphics don't degrade when you zoom in and looks good on high res phones.
Congrats, Shawn. It's a big project.
Look forward to hearing more about the visual/functionality tweaks you make on your site, specially all the retina eye candies ;)

running pretty smooth for alpha !
Lol... hold on there buddy. I need to stabilize my site first. :)

It's not that you necessarily read it wrong, I just didn't actually say anything either way (on purpose). I really don't need a million people asking me questions before it happens and then have to answer 500, "is it done yet?" inquiries every day.
avatars are retina quality for all browsers, icons are retina quality for all browsers except Firefox (damn FF)... so graphics don't degrade when you zoom in and looks good on high res phones.
Except your avatar, looks like the rest of your members have their avatars squeezed down to the bottom corner of the member card
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