Digital Point Ad Positioning

Digital Point Ad Positioning 1.3.0b

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A couple of questions:

1) We use the Insert Ad After Post option. Would it be possible to include a forum selection for this? There's a couple of forums (our xenporta news ones) where we wouldn't want the ad to display.

2) Is there any issue with using the responsive adsense JS code in the Ad HTML box? i.e. the if width < blah code they recommend.
1. Maybe someday... not in the short term though. I have so many other things I need to get done first...

2. Should be fine.
I'm not familiar with this add-on but if it's a standard ad_ template then it will accept HTML and XenForo syntax.

If it is a custom template then you will need to check but I don't see why not.

It would be easy enough to test using a simple conditional statement and confirming whether the advert is hidden to logged in members: <xen:if is="!{$visitor.user_id}">
Sorry, don't know anything about [bd] rotating ads... If it works for you, certainly no reason to switch to something else. :)
How can I make the ad align to the top right of a post? Right now it appears under the post. I'd like the post to go left of the ad, if the content is longer then the ad then it continues full width under the ad too.

I suppose you could wrap the ad in a div that floats to the right... wouldn't necessarily be the top but would always be the right.
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