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Custom BB Code Manager v1.3.4

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@StRonK - That site is well known to distribute warez, promote piracy, and null XenForo. I wouldn't suggest using add-ons from there. If you need a BB Code, I suggest the functional (and trusted) ones from @Brogan (

@masterchief, that's the bug I mentioned earlier in the thread. I'm not sure why this is coming up in 1.2 and not 1.1, but I have a patch I can post later. However, it is already fixed for the next version.
@StRonK - That site is well known to distribute warez, promote piracy, and null XenForo. I wouldn't suggest using add-ons from there. If you need a BB Code, I suggest the functional (and trusted) ones from @Brogan (

@masterchief, that's the bug I mentioned earlier in the thread. I'm not sure why this is coming up in 1.2 and not 1.1, but I have a patch I can post later. However, it is already fixed for the next version.

Any ETA on the next version?

Starting to gather my addons for the upgrade, so just trying to plan out.
Hello, I'm trying to create a BB code which I currently use on AVForums on vBulletin. It's IMGWIDTH and it adds a width parameter to the img html tag.
Except I'm struggling because the image tag, of course, doesn't have start and end tags to replace.
This issue has been discussed in this thread previously, but there was no resolution.
What do I put for the Simple Replacement Start and Simple Replacement End ?

This works for me:


However, what may break this is XenForo's autolinking where it will always convert a URL to [URL] tags.

One solution is to write your BB Code:


But I think there's something else also...

Yeah. This add-on:

Should disable the autolink feature for specified BB Codes.

This issue with auto linking I would imagine would be fixed in the core if @Mike / @Kier ever get time to work on a core BB Code Manager. Also, maybe @King Kovifor might consider, in the interim, adding that function to the next version of BB Code Manager.

But in the meantime, that additional add-on should work.
Thanks Chris. I did first try the solution you suggested, but didn't realise that it's the autolinking which broke it.
I'm going to have to wait for the update of this addon and hope there is an autolink disable *and* it's released well before we migrate.
If not, I will have to use the other BB Code manager addon which already has the autolink disable feature.
Not sure if you missed it in my post.

I linked to a second add-on that disables auto patch that will work with this BB Code Manager.
When using a media tag inside a spoiler, it resizes the video to be really, really small. I have GOT to be missing something in the settings. What am I missing?
That is the same functionality as for quotes.
For example:
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You may need to add some custom CSS to get the videos to display the correct size.

It doesn't do it on my site as I have customised the spoiler code to remove the quote HTML & CSS.
Is it possible to copy-paste tables from other sources? It worked for me with TinyMCE, but it doesn't work with Redactor (and this add-on).
Redactor removes formatting (such as tables), not this add-on. You'll have to modify the JS and is not something I plan on supporting with this add-on.
That is the same functionality as for quotes.
For example:

You may need to add some custom CSS to get the videos to display the correct size.

It doesn't do it on my site as I have customised the spoiler code to remove the quote HTML & CSS.

May I ask what the css is? Some of us are css challenged.
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