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Custom BB Code Manager v1.3.4

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Are you trying to reduce the amount of add-ons you have installed? With that using templates its not a cut and dry copy & paste type thing.
No. I just thought it would be great if this add-on allow me to create a bbcode button for another bbcode addon. :)
Received a bug report about a slight 1.2 incompatibility:

Tags with advanced options do not work within Signatures.
Are you looking to make another release for 1.2 that fix those issues? Just trying to plan ahead here ;)
@King Kovifor, are you still planning on releasing an update to BB Code Manager, or are you recommending that folk use the 1.2.x branch seeing as it works with Xenforo 1.2?
I am updating it as Paul has quoted me saying. The 1.3 branch works as well, excluding the editor integration parts.
So, until the update, is there anyway to add-in the spoiler code button? Because I can't seem to get it in the button manager and I'm obviously missing something here.
But after "Custom bbcode manager" install.... do i have to install or make any changes to use the spoiler bbcode? because I repeat I have 0 bbcodes after "custom bbcode manager" install :S
I re-downloaded your add-on and only have the add-on installation xml and other named "bbcodetest" with the H2 bbcode.
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