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Custom BB Code Manager v1.3.4

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Can you screen shot your settings? And place how you are attempting to use it in [CODE] tags?
In settings i just did the tag img2, 2 in options number, and the start/end as you said, i guess what i am doing wrong is the usage, like this, don't know where to put the url + resize numbers
[img2="width, height"]url[/img2]
This usage:
[img2="100, 100"][/img2]

Causes this, it's acting like it is a url, making it a clicable link instead:
"="" target="_blank" class="externalLink" ][/img2]" width="100" height="100" />
Okay I did something, with the same settings, but with this usage:
[img2=400, 700[/img2]

In chrome i inspected and this was the result:
<img src="" width="400" height="700 [url">

It generates the image correctly but... There is one extra url code there, how to remove it?

EDIT: This is some bug around, it generates the link bbcode (url) inside the img bbcode.
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@King Kovifor Your addon have 1 bug, system render without close tag ([/anytag]) .
That is true, with the img code I was trying to do, i could not have any close tag the image still displayed! o_O
The other bug is with not avoiding xenforo to generate a [url ] bbcode in a link that is supposed to appear an image only.
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I need to fix auto-linking, but as Brogan said, the closing tag is added in by the parser if possible. Default XF behavior.
I've been using this & making my own codes without issue but today I ran into problems

I made a new tag & it saves correctly but the tag isn't parsed on the BBCode page or in posts.
When I go to edit the tag & resave it I get an error saying Tag Must Be Unique whihc is bizarre because all I'm doing is saving the current tag & I haven't changed the tag name.

what am I possible doing wrong?



Example: [TABLEWIDTH=400][TR][TD]This makes a 400px wide table[/TD][/TR][/TABLEWIDTH]

Activate BB Code : check

Require Option : check

Replacement start : <table width="%s" border=0 style="font-size: 0.8em">

Replacement end : </table>

note, there is a TABLE tag as well that works fine w/ the TD & TR tags.

note 2 : i'm on v1.21. going to do the upgrade to 1.22 but don't think that will make a diff

I'm also having this issue. Any fixes?
@ScottLott You should use BB Code Manager This version so perfect, only have 1 bug with process close tag.

The closing tag is expected behavior, not a bug.

I have my own spoiler code, using [RT] Spoiler. Any idea how to put this spoiler inside BBCM?

WIthout looking at the code, not entirely sure. Is it a paid add-on?

Going to make this one compatible with the new xF 1.2.0 with Redactor? :)

I'll defer to this post:
It will work, yes. Adding buttons in 1.2 isn't supported, yet. I am updating it for 1.2.
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