CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
So, just to reiterate; if I make it so that an administrator can feature threads, does that mean that everyone else can, too?

The permissions are the same as all other permissions in XenForo.
They apply at the user, usergroup and node level.

If you only grant the permission to an individual administrator, then only that administrator will be able to feature threads.
Suggestion: If you have ACP option set so that feature threads show in all forums, perhaps there will be an occasional thread that you only want to feature in it's own forum.
For example, feature a thread in the 'Classifieds' forum and have it only appear within there as it would make little sense appearing on the forum home page, or other forum listings.
Thus a tick box when adding/modifying a feature thread to override ACP option and only show in this forum would be ideal.
Why addons are so expensive?

I haven't found one that is actually.

Why do you feel the need to come in and ask this question in this thread?

The add-on is easily worth the requested price. Simply read the reviews, the feedback, and see the amount of development that has taken place for this. If you are looking for a cheaper version, learn to code.
its just happens for me to be looking at this addon. they are all very expensive and also its confusing that the prices are in pounds and not in dollars? Maybe because it looks cheepear in pounds but then 20 pounds end up being 33.23200 U.S. dollars. :( Iphone apps also take lots of programming time and effort but they are not 30+ dollars. Maybe you will sell more if they are less expensive and more people can have access to them. Just a suggestion. You make great work Brogan. I'm not saying anything against the good quality of all xenforo addons. I just wish more people could have access to these great addons.
:( Iphone apps also take lots of programming time and effort but they are not 30+ dollars. Maybe you will sell more if they are less expensive and more people can have access to them.

Moot point. IPhone apps reach a considerably larger audience than XenForo. Not even close to being comparable.
This add-on is worth every penny and I wouldn't hesitate to pay the full price again for any additional forums I might run in the future.

UK based author, hence the price in £. Not everyone lives in the US you know. If we can cope with prices not in our currency then I'm sure you can too :)
It has extensive style properties and css classes so should be relatively simple,

@Sheldon has done it several times, see the second post in the thread for an example.
@Brogan - how complicate is it to add some graphics something like below into the add on? I like the featured type ribbons as well - complicated?

View attachment 69695

Quite easy. This is what I use, but it would require changes to make it work for you:

.forum_list .sectionMain.ctaFtContainer {
    background: url("styles/images/featuredthreadimg.png") no-repeat scroll right 0px bottom -10px / 80% auto;

To get this:


I'm sure Sheldon would be able to help with the ribbon part.
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